Reasons for long term postpartum back pain after a c-section and what you can do about it
Short term recovery is one thing, but you may be dealing with long term postpartum back pain. What causes it and what can you do?
Mind to Body Disconnection
Mind to body disconnect is something that so many women deal with and can be a cause of long term postpartum back pain.
A c-section procedure goes through multiple layers of skin, muscle and nerves. And of course for 9 months your body was fully focused on growing your baby. Your body has been through a lot, and there can be an emotional / physical disconnect that we need to re establish.
What you can do:
Breathing as a tool to help long term postpartum back pain
This is going to sound so simple…breathe. Yes, you heard me right!
Slow, deep, connected breathing is a very powerful and positive re-connection tool. Close your eyes, turn inward and focus on connecting to your breathing.
This is also something that you can do immediately postpartum, another bonus! Your spine is positively impacted by deep breathing, which in turn can help with back pains and aches.
Discomfort arising from post c-section scar tissue
Fascia is an important structure in your body, it is a fibrous tissue that surrounds muscle. Normally fascia is smooth, allowing muscle and tissue to easily move.
An incision, like the one created during a c-section, disrupts this fascia. This disruption can cause scar tissue adhesions to form, disrupting muscles and organs as well. These adhesions can cause many issues, one being back pain.
What you can do:
Specialist massage to help with scar tissue release
Talk to your practitioner about scar tissue release – this gentle massaging can help break up scar tissue along the incision, helping with back pain and other issues caused by those adhesions. Even if it has been years since your c-section, scar tissue massage can have wonderful benefits!
Long term back pain after c-section due to core weakness
This one is so important! Your core is the foundation of your body.
When there is core weakness and instability other parts of the body have to compensate and take the load that the core should be handling, but isn’t. The back is one of them and a main reason so many women suffer from postpartum back pain. ?♀️
What you can do:
Start to rebuild your core strength safely.
Learn how to properly recruit and engage your core and incorporate core strengthening exercises into your daily routine. This will not only help strengthen your core but also take strain off your back, reducing back pain!
More on alleviating postpartum back pain after a c-section here and don’t miss our 14 best postpartum exercises for back pain.
Just Remember….
Longterm postpartum back pain should not be ignored or simply masked
Long term postpartum back pain should not be ignored or simply masked with painkillers. Back pain is NOT an inevitable result of pregnancy or birthing whether via a caesarean or vaginal delivery.