Dr Eloise Elphinstone, NHS GP

Specialist interest in women’s health BMS accredited Menopause specialist.

“Having used MUTU myself for both diastasis recti and my pelvic floor, I would very much recommend MUTU as a safe and effective treatment. It is often difficult to know where to start with postnatal and pelvic floor exercises and I found it very easy to follow and flexible with a young baby and as well as enjoyable!”


Eloise has been an NHS GP in Southwest London for nearly 10 years. As part of her broader practice she has a particular interest in women’s health. She holds the diploma in family planning and obstetrics and gynaecology and is a contraceptive coil and implant fitter. She has a particular interest in postnatal health and menopause and is an advanced menopause specialist.

Eloise is keen to help improve postnatal care and has written three leaflets ‘Your guide to postnatal health and wellbeing’, ‘Your guide to the health and wellbeing of your new baby’ and ‘Sex and relationships postnatally’ for the Family Planning Association.

South West London

Bachelor of medicine and of surgery – MbCHB
Bristol university

MRCGP – Royal college of GPs

Diploma in obstetrics and genealogy (DRCOG)

Diploma of faculty of sexual and reproductive health (FRSH)

BMS menopause specialist


Medical doctor – Royal College of GPs

Menopause specialist – Menopause Care

Menopause specialist – West Middlesex Hospital

Medical writer – Family Planning Association

Medical speaker – Conferences


NHS GP, Women’s health, Post natal health, Menopause

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