Jai Seth, Consultant Urological Surgeon

Consultant Urological Surgeon, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Founder and Medical Director of the London Bladder Clinic.

“I highly recommend MUTU System where surgery is not required, and also as effective preparation and recovery when bladder surgery might be considered. It is safe and effective and the exercise are evidence-based and shown to deliver significant benefits for many incontinence symptoms” Dr Jai Seth BSc(Hons) MSc MD(Res) FRCS(Urol) 


Dr Seth has an active academic background, having received a number of awards including a prestigious research grant from The Urology Foundation, was awarded a Doctorate for his research into neuropathic bladder dysfunction from University College London, and has co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications or book chapters and widely presents scientific papers at an International scale.

He enjoys taking active role in teaching and is a Senior Lecturer at St George’s University London Medical School where he is the Surgery lead for the Early Years.

Dr Seth also consults privately at the New Victoria Hospital, Kingston and the London Bladder Clinic at the Chelsea Bridge Clinic.

GMC Medical Register Jai Hari Seth

London, UK
University College London UCL
Master of Science – MS, Urology 
Diploma of Education membership MRCS
Royal College of Surgeons
Kings College London & University of London
Bachelor of Science – BS Molecular Endocrinology
Kings College, London

Founder and Director, The London Bladder Clinic

Leads the Urodynamic, Female Urology, and Neuro-Urology service, at St George’s Hospital, London

Supports the continence service, Epsom and St Helier Hospitals

Specialized team providing cancer survivorship, Royal Marsden Hospital for urinary incontinence.

Liaison support for bladder management, Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability in Putney, London

Senior Lecturer, St George’s University of London Medical School


Urodynamics, urology, neuro-urology, bladder and continence management.

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