Dr. Odinaka Nwodo, NHS GP

NHS GP, Urology clinican and primary care

“The MUTU programme has impacted the lives of so many women in my practice. I am glad that the NHS have clearly identified the value in MUTU’s transformational programme.” Dr Odinake Nwodo MBChB, MRCSEd, MRCGP 

Dr Odinaka Nwodo

Dr. Nwodo is a clinician with experience in urology and primary care. Currently, she works as a General Practitioner and is passionate about reducing health disparities in menopause care. Her goal is to ensure that all women achieve good health outcomes, regardless of any barriers or biases that may exist.

In addition, she is a co-founder of a healthcare charity in Nigeria called 1Dokita. One of the charity’s main objectives is to improve maternity outcomes for women living in the developing world. She is enthusiastic about the beneficial impact of digital innovation on women’s health.

GMC Register: Odinaka Nwodo

London, UK

Diploma of Education, Membership – MRCGP
Royal College of General Practitioners

Diploma of Education, Membership – MRCSEd
Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery – MBChB
Warwick Medical School


Medical Doctor, NHS

UCL Medical Student Examiner London

1Dokita Healthcare, Director of Clinical Training & Development


Women’s Health – Menopause; Men’s Health – Urology; Medical Education; Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Healthcare; Health Technology.

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