Getting to know symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) in pregnancy

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Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) is also known as pelvic girdle pain (PGP). It refers to instability, discomfort or pain in the pelvic region, specifically the symphysis pubis joint and sacroiliac joints.

What does symphysis pubis dysfunction feel like?

Pain may be minor discomfort, necessitating some modification of movement. Or it could be as severe pain and disability. Be sure you consult a Physical Therapist or professional trainer who specialises in this area.

The joints affected are the ones at the front and back of the pelvis. You may feel pain over the front of the pubic bone at the front, across your tummy, or across one or both sides of your lower back, or down your legs.

Clicking or grinding in your pelvis related to Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

You might experience a clicking or grinding in your pelvis and have difficulty walking, especially up or downstairs.

This ‘shearing’ movement (one leg in front of the other) or abduction (legs out to the sides) may also hurt, making getting in or out of a car, your bed, or any number of other everyday activities, painful.

How common is pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain?

Pregnancy-Related Pelvic Girdle Pain affects around 1 in 5 women, at varying degrees of severity. Around 7% of women continue to have problems postnatally.

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Adapting movement for symphysis pubis dysfunction

You will be advised by your Midwife or doctor to ‘avoid or adapt painful movement’. So try to avoid heavy lifting, go carefully and slowly upstairs; keep your knees together as much as possible when getting on or out of the car; roll over onto your side to get out of bed…but many of these are part of life, and can’t really be avoided.

10 things i wish i'd known during pregnancy ebook

You can, however, help to alleviate pain with correctly prescribed core strengthening exercises. We’ve outlined some of the best exercises for pelvic girdle pain and symphisis pubis dysfunction here.

The stability of your joints is affected by the pregnancy hormone, relaxin, but also by the strength of the muscles that hold them in place. Controlled, guided core strength and lower body resistance work will definitely help to strengthen and stabilise your joints and reduce pain.

Is MUTU safe for pregnancy and SPD?

The MUTU System Program is safe and beneficial during pregnancy. It is recommended and endorsed by specialist Physiotherapists and Industry experts.

MUTU focuses on alignment, muscle stretching and release, core and pelvic floor muscle connection and engagement, and includes low impact, more intensive workouts for you to progress to when you’re ready.

There are clear video instruction modifications for pelvic issues and pregnancy.

We recommend MUTU as a complement to individual care from a Specialist Physical Therapist so they can advise specific modifications for your circumstances and as your pregnancy progresses.

Wendy Powell
Wendy Powell
Wendy Powell, Dip PT is Founder and CEO of MUTU System. Wendy is a highly certified postpartum specialist and master trainer, as well as a speaker, Femtech entrepreneur and mentor.

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  1. I suffered from pelvic girdle pain during my pregnancy. I am now 12 weeks post partum and exclusively breastfeeding. I am desperate to start exercising To lose my jelly belly however I am concerned general exercise program’s could exacerbate my condition. Are there any excel uses that are a big No No and does your mutu program safe for PGP sufferers?

  2. I suffered from pelvic girdle pain during my pregnancy. I am now 12 weeks post partum and exclusively breastfeeding. I am desperate to start exercising To lose my jelly belly however I am concerned general exercise program’s could exacerbate my condition. Are there any excel uses that are a big No No and does your mutu program safe for PGP sufferers?

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