New Mom

Being a new Mama can be overwhelming, joyful, and more than a little scary. Whether this is your first baby or you’ve been here before, every postpartum journey is unique. 

How you’re feeling right now, emotionally and physically, is your own very real, very valid experience. MUTU are the leaders in transformative pregnancy and postnatal care, medically proven to help you heal and restore following birth.

MUTU is for every new mom no matter how your baby entered this world.

  • Safe for post-c-section or vaginal delivery
  • Safe to start in the early days post-birth
  • Gentle and restorative as you transition into motherhood
  • Exercises from just 12 minutes a day to fit around you and your baby
  • Expert-led community with you every step of your 4th trimester
  • Proven to positively impact perinatal mental health



felt better about their body and what it is able to do
Fact mother with child in field
Fact mother with child in field


saw improvement in bladder weakness by week 3
Fact mother with child in field
Fact mother with child in field

Dr Anita Kulkarni MD

“I always recommend that moms start with non-surgical treatment before considering surgery, and Wendy’s MUTU System is my go-to recommendation.”
Fact mother with child in field
Fact mother with child in field


of the respondents who experienced prolapse symptoms saw an improvement by Week 3 of using MUTU System.
Fact mother with child in field
Fact mother with child in field

Tracy Sher MPT a.ka. Pelvic Guru

“Wendy Powell has put together such a comprehensive MUTU System for women that’s accessible at all times during postpartum. I endorse this program and implement it into my private practice for my women’s health physical therapy patients and fitness clients.”
Fact mother with child in field
Fact mother with child in field


reported improvement in diastasis recti
Fact mother with child in field
Fact mother with child in field
Ebook cover 10 things about your post baby body

10 things your doctor didn't tell you about your post baby body


You can start MUTU Core™️ as soon as you feel able. MUTU Core is specifically designed to be safe to start even in the early days after delivery (including c-section), and a daily walk will aid circulation and healing.

You can start to progress with the MUTU Intensives™️ 6 weeks after vaginal birth, or 10 weeks post c-section or complications, with your Doctor’s consent. You’ll be guided within the program to safely progress to the MUTU Intensive™️ workouts in line with your recovery. As with any exercise program during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth, you should consult with a medical professional to be sure exercising is safe for you.

MUTU is specifically designed to fit into a new mom’s schedule.

MUTU Core workouts take just 12 minutes every day.

MUTU Intensive workouts take around 22 minutes (3 times a week).

You should start to feel the difference after 4 modules and really start to see changes within 6-8 modules. The more mindfully and consistently you follow the program, the quicker and more noticeable your results will be! JOIN NOW.

MUTU is safe and recommended for you if you are coping with hernia or prolapse symptoms. Clear modifications and guidance are given throughout the program.

MUTU is clinically proven to improve prolapse symptoms.

Medical trials in 2020 showed that an incredible 100% of women suffering from prolapse symptoms saw improvement within 3 weeks of using MUTU.

New mom testimonials

“All new moms need MUTU! After completing the program I feel so much better about myself, more in control of my own body, more energetic and positive


“I had twins via c-section. I felt a lot stronger after only one month into the program. Life-changing! If you want to be strong and confident after giving birth, I highly recommend MUTU System! Worth every penny.”


“I’m so glad I found MUTU during my first month postpartum. I needed something simple to start my recovery journey in the privacy of my home”


“MUTU is like a magic word in our house. It has given me myself back, my husband his wife back and my son has a strong, confident mama for the first time”


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