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#IWishIKnew is a movement calling for change in the way pregnant women are prepared for postpartum recovery. A MUTU System study of 3,300 mothers in the UK and USA has revealed an urgent need to address the lack of post-birth recovery preparation during pregnancy, and the impact this has on mental and physical wellbeing. Because we know that preparation during pregnancy needs to be more than just packing a hospital bag and writing your birth plan.

91% of the 3300 women we surveyed did not feel adequately prepared for post-birth recovery.

70% said that their friends did not talk to them about post-birth recovery issues during their pregnancy.

76% said that the physical symptoms experienced post-birth impacted their mental health

These findings highlight that there is low awareness of the importance of good preparation for a speedy post-birth recovery.

This can result in women experiencing trauma and often preventable physical and mental health symptoms following delivery, and often leaves them feeling isolated and unaware of what is ‘normal’ and what is a cause for concern.

#IWishIKnew calls for pregnant women to get the information and support they need at the right time, to ensure they are fully equipped to have a significantly improved chance of better recovery, removing the feelings of regret for women, who quite simply lament the fact they ‘wish they had known’ what to expect with their recovery stages in hindsight.

You deserve to feel like you are stepping into motherhood aware, prepared, and supported. That’s why we’ve created a free downloadable guide for pregnant mamas-to-be. Let’s empower you with the knowledge so many mamas wish they knew during pregnancy, and ensure you have an effective and speedy recovery so you can move through motherhood with confidence.

MUTU System is the transformative pre and postnatal program, medically proven to prepare, prevent during pregnancy and heal and restore, post-baby. Assessed and approved by NHS Digital in the UK and recommended by health professionals around the world, MUTU System supports pregnant and postpartum women physically and mentally, to be alongside you at every step of your preparation and recovery journey.

Download the ‘10 THINGS I WISH I’D KNOWN DURING PREGNANCY’ now to get your go-to postpartum recovery plan guide to help you prepare for your recovery in the best and most informed way possible.

What is the best way to prepare during pregnancy?

1. Exercise and connect to your body

Build your core. Staying connected to your deep core muscles as well as your pelvic floor is crucial to your body’s health during and after pregnancy and can significantly improve your recovery in your 4th trimester.

2. Understand that there is no one right way to feel after giving birth

Talk to others who are going through the same as you about how you are feeling. Keep talking and surround yourself with support. Our MUTU community of pregnant and postpartum mamas is on hand to surround you with the support you need

3. Riding that rollercoaster of emotions and knowing where to seek mental health support

If you find you are struggling with your mental health and wellbeing, seek support and keep talking. Having awareness through pregnancy and postpartum is vital.

4. Pre and postnatal mental health support

US Postpartum Support International

5. Prevent painful sex after having your baby

During pregnancy, master the release phase of your pelvic floor exercises. A too-tight (hypertonic) pelvic floor post-birth can cause pain during sex. Getting yourself familiar with engaging and, equally important, releasing those muscles will really help and can significantly improve your recovery.

6. Fed is best

Breastfeeding? Amazing! Pumping + bottle feeding? Amazing! Formula feeding? Amazing! A combination of those? You go mama!
Fed is best. Period. There is NO shame and should be no judgement in how you choose to feed your baby. Everyone has circumstances inside and outside of their own control that can impact this choice. It’s nobody’s business but yours.

7. Hemorrhoids

While annoying and painful they are often temporary and heal within the first few weeks postpartum. During pregnancy and after, avoid straining when going to the bathroom. Use a low stool or squatty potty to rise your feet into an optimal position.

8. Preventing and avoiding incontinence

Learn how to correctly contract and release your pelvic floor muscles and how to integrate that into your daily movements and exercise. MUTU shows you how and the sooner you start to apply it, the better. Doing this work during pregnancy will help improve your recovery.

9. Get the low down on POP (Pelvic Organ Prolapse)!

Knowing about prolapse and what you can do to support your pelvic floor throughout pregnancy will help you understand many of the factors that contribute to prolapse and can help lessen the chances of developing one, or increase your recovery time.

10. Know which core exercises you can do to prevent Diastasis Recti postpartum

Don’t skip core exercises during pregnancy! No, you won’t be doing traditional crunches or 100s of reps, but there are plenty of ways to focus on core strengthening and connection during your prenatal period to really improve your postnatal recovery.

11. Prepare to have patience in healing post-birth

Connect with the right muscles during pregnancy so your healing can be quicker and more effective post-birth. Above all, ditch the societal pressures of ‘snapping back’ or ‘getting your body back’… since it didn’t actually go anywhere!

Download HERE the ‘10 THINGS I WISH I’D KNOWN DURING PREGNANCY’ now to get prepared for and improve your postpartum recovery.

MUTU has a 98% success rate for women feeling better in their bodies. Membership includes personal support as well as clinically proven exercise modules.

Wendy Powell
Wendy Powell
Wendy Powell, Dip PT is Founder and CEO of MUTU System. Wendy is a highly certified postpartum specialist and master trainer, as well as a speaker, Femtech entrepreneur and mentor.

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Life-Changing Results for Mums

  • Approved as safe + effective in NHS trials
  • Evidence based solution for diastasis recti + pelvic floor
  • Pre + Postnatal workouts on-demand from any device
  • Inclusive, expert-led global support community
  • Track your step by step progress in the MUTU Hub

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