Wendy Powell

My MUTU Journey | Ashley’s Story

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Pregnant woman in a green dress, gray sweater, and cream hat outside in the snow.

MUTU System has made such a positive impact on my life and I want to share the story of my MUTU journey with you, and all women honestly. My husband and I had three healthy girls in less than five years. My delivery stories were a far cry from how I had them written in my head. I had an emergency c section with my first, and then two more after that. For almost eight years I dealt with pain and discomfort. 

My postnatal symptoms 

I was told over and over that my symptoms were normal by various healthcare professionals! It wasn’t until I found MUTU System that I knew I had finally found the answers I had been searching for. And most importantly I felt validated for the first time!  I had finally found the answers that would heal my body and leave me feeling confident once again! One that worked right and felt good! 

Diastasis recti

I discovered I had a diastasis recti (DR)  in 2016 (when my youngest was 4). I saw a video online that got my attention. I checked myself to see if I had a gap and sure enough I did. I started researching anything and everything I could to get a better understanding of what exactly DR was. Like many other women in this situation, you quickly discover there is a lot of information on this topic, but don’t even know where to start! I still wonder why I had never heard of this before, especially since I was a woman with three children. The more I talked about it the more I realized that I was one of many women who had never heard of this term. 

I don’t know the answers to why it took so long for me to get here, but this is why I’m so passionate about MUTU and this area of women’s health! I want to be the person I wish I would have had and most importantly for women to know that there are resources! 

Starting my MUTU Journey 

My husband was actually the one who started me on my MUTU journey, he found the online MUTU program for me after weeks of research. He said the program had good reviews and he had bought it for me. I said I would give it a try and it literally changed my life. I was able to rehab my core and pelvic floor, get rid of my lower back pain, and my bloating was gone! No more getting asked when I was due when I wasn’t pregnant. That was a good feeling! 

I overcame many obstacles throughout my MUTU journey and regained my self-confidence that I had lost in those years of suffering in my own body. During the frustrating journey of searching for my answers, I went to so many doctors and specialist. Had a colonoscopy and when they couldn’t find anything was referred to another specialist. On and on it went to always get the same answer. That answer was always something along the lines of “well we can’t seem to find anything wrong so let’s try this.” I was often told that the pain I had was probably something I would “just have to deal with for the rest of my life.” I got to a point where I didn’t even try anymore. It was a very frustrating time. We know our bodies better than anyone else. I knew something wasn’t right. I just didn’t know what.

I really grew to love exercise and running after becoming a mother. It became an outlet and something I could do for me! The part I didn’t like was the pain that always came with it. Sometimes during and all the time after. It was when I found MUTU that I learned I was doing it all wrong and actually making it harder than it needed to be. We are often programmed that more is better, but we seem to skip the most important step of building that strong foundation first… and then we can #MUTUSoYouCan

Why core strength is important 

When you have a diastasis recti your core cannot handle all of the jumping and crunching and high intense activity until after you learn how to be in control of your core!  MUTU can and will teach you everything you need to know! Your core is your power house! If you don’t strengthen it first other parts of your body will not work properly and respond as they are intended to do so. You shouldn’t be in pain during exercise or sex, you shouldn’t pee yourself and have to wear a pad when you want to lift heavy or run. Many of us tend to think this is normal after childbirth. Either because it’s not talked about or in my case my doctors were telling me the pain was “normal”.

Becoming a MUTU Pro

This is why the next step of my MUTU journey was to become a MUTU Pro. I know what it feels like to not be comfortable in your own skin. Everyone tells you what motherhood is going to be like, all about the baby and breastfeeding and the sleepless nights. But no one tells you about the changes your body has just gone through. Some of the normal feelings you might have about your own body. Your body is amazing you just housed a human being for 9 months then delivered it! That’s pretty awesome! You deserve to feel good about your body and for it to feel good too. So I have made it my mission as a MUTU Pro to educate and teach as many women as I can. Simply to start having conversations and give you hope and answers because you deserve that! 

This is such an important part of our bodies, but yet so ignored. Trust me when I say your body needs MUTU before you go off and do the higher intensity stuff. Personally I have learned through my MUTU  journey that this is all I need.

I get my MUTU in most days of the week, and make it part of my daily routine. Everything can be done in the comfort of my own home and I can get  a functional total body workout in, in less than 30 minutes! That is a total mom win!

Ready to start your own MUTU journey?

Life-Changing Results for Mums

  • Approved as safe + effective in NHS trials
  • Evidence based solution for diastasis recti + pelvic floor
  • Pre + Postnatal workouts on-demand from any device
  • Inclusive, expert-led global support community
  • Track your step by step progress in the MUTU Hub

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