Top Tips for Postpartum Running

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A runner’s mentality is often to run further, faster, better. But sometimes that mentality that got you a great time in that 10k race, or helped you push through ‘the wall’, won’t be appropriate for postpartum recovery. That doesn’t matter if you just had your baby or you’re many years postpartum. Core foundations need to be rebuilt to avoid symptoms that hinder your training. Postpartum running starts with ‘backing up’ to support your body’s recovery.

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We are delighted to welcome two awesome runners to share their wisdom and experience of running, with you. Both are moms who’ve run before, during, and after pregnancy, and who’ve struggled with their own recovery along the way.

Jen Saint Jean is an Elite Masters Runner and mom of 2 girls, aged 11 and 15. She’s an awesome masters athlete and can run a super speedy 4:54 mile (Incredible, right?!). Jen has used MUTU System in her own diastasis recti recovery and is a postpartum running expert.

Suzanne Edwards is a MUTU Pro and Postpartum Personal Trainer. She has done ten marathons and countless ½ marathons, 5 and 10k races, and now helps moms get back into running after having babies. She’s a mom of 4-year-old twins and a 22-month-old.

Hit play on the videos below to hear more top tips from Jen and Suzanne on running postpartum and during pregnancy.

Postpartum running with diastasis recti

The most important part of this whole recovery process, you need to build that foundation, strength, and connection with your core, your pelvic floor, and your breath. That work needs to be underway before you start postpartum running. The core, the pelvic floor and the breathing work is just so huge in the beginning alongside walking and alignment work. If you are going to try to get back into running that should be the first thing on your mind. MUTU System will give you the best foundational start to get you back into running. #MUTUSoYouCan

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The biggest thing when running with diastasis recti is that it’s not the width of the gap that matters, it’s the depth and firmness of your midline. So if you have a gap, but your midline is getting firmer or is firm and strong, and you can’t sink your fingers way down, and it’s not super squishy, you might be good to run. You can have a functional diastasis, So don’t let the width scare you or don’t feel like you have to be totally healed before you can run. The purpose of MUTU is to get you running and get you functional again, so you CAN.

When Shouldn’t You Be Running Post-Baby?

It’s important to look out for the warning signs that mean you should not be running.

  • Are you still leaking when you run?
  • Do you pee your pants when you run?
  • Is your midline is your middle squishy?
  • Do your lower abs bulge as you’re running?
  • Is your stomach doming?
  • Are you experiencing any pain during or after your run?

Getting back into postpartum running

We’d always recommend that you see pelvic floor PT and discuss with your midwife or OBGYN, and talk to them about postpartum running and running during your pregnancy.

MUTU builds your foundations to:

  • A solid and strong foundation to enable you to run
  • Address symptoms you get when you run
  • Run injury-free
  • Heal your diastasis recti so you can run again
  • Strengthen your pelvic floor. No more leaks when you run!
  • Stop having to wear a pad when you run.
  • Get stronger and functional so you CAN get faster and better at running
Wendy Powell
Wendy Powell
Wendy Powell, Dip PT is Founder and CEO of MUTU System. Wendy is a highly certified postpartum specialist and master trainer, as well as a speaker, Femtech entrepreneur and mentor.

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  • Approved as safe + effective in NHS trials
  • Evidence based solution for diastasis recti + pelvic floor
  • Pre + Postnatal workouts on-demand from any device
  • Inclusive, expert-led global support community
  • Track your step by step progress in the MUTU Hub

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