Wendy Powell

MUTU System Kitbox Goes Plastic Free ♻️🌍

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Pregnant woman in a green dress, gray sweater, and cream hat outside in the snow.

The MUTU System Kitbox includes all the simple at-home exercise equipment you need to follow the MUTU System programme:

*Designs may vary from image shown*

  • a resistance band
  • a resistance band loop
  • a small inflatable ball
  • a cotton weave yoga strap to maximize the effectiveness of your stretches. 

 ♻️  The kit arrives at your door in a compact recyclable box. 

But the packaging and plastic waste elements of getting the kit from factory, to ship, to warehouse, to customer… was a big concern. 

Here’s our story of eliminating plastic packaging from our Kitbox to do our bit for Planet Earth 🌍

Every item left the factory individually wrapped in plastic, before being assembled by our fulfilment partners. Even the cute bracelets we gifted with the kit came in their own little plastic bags. Not cool for the planet, not sustainable, and not ethical. We knew we needed to change this. 

Eve in MUTU Customer Support decided enough was enough. And so began a 12-month mission to eliminate all plastic from our kit. Not an easy task when you consider that every item that leaves a factory must be wrapped and identified. It needs to be barcoded and scanned. It needs to be tracked and accounted for. You can’t just ask for stuff ‘without the bag’. 

Eve was undeterred. Every email that told her ‘it can’t be done’ was met with ‘Yes it can. You’re just not trying hard enough’. She researched and sourced sustainable packaging, she contacted other companies about their solutions, she set about with brown paper and scissors, cutting and taping and taking pictures on her phone. ‘How about this? This would work. Please try it’. She did this with every individual item in the kit.

After months of work (and because Eve just wasn’t going to go away) slowly the factories started to say ‘yes, we’ll try it’. The bracelets were a cute gift but they didn’t add real value for the customer and simply couldn’t be shipped without plastic. So they had to go. Eve proposed we divert the cost of bracelet production, to contribute to sustainable packing for the other items. It’s worth noting, that going plastic-free in today’s world, is never the cheapest option for a business. 

The MUTU Kitbox is now plastic packaging-free!

Every single item now has a cardboard sleeve with all the required information on it. Even the plastic straw to inflate the little ball has been replaced with a sturdy cardboard one. There is no plastic in the packaging of your MUTU Kitbox. And of course, our design team was with Eve every step of the way, making everything that packages our kit look beautiful, useful and sustainable.

Life-Changing Results for Mums

  • Approved as safe + effective in NHS trials
  • Evidence based solution for diastasis recti + pelvic floor
  • Pre + Postnatal workouts on-demand from any device
  • Inclusive, expert-led global support community
  • Track your step by step progress in the MUTU Hub

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