“Hi my name is Niki and I started my MUTU journey in 2017 when my second daughter was 2 years old. I want to share with you my MUTU System results.
Diastasis recti, hernia and debilitating back pain
I had diastasis recti and a pregnancy hernia as a result of my first pregnancy in 2011.
I was suffering from persistent lower back pain which was sometimes so debilitating that I couldn’t work.
On one occasion, I was bedridden for almost a week. Initially, I was in such intense pain I couldn’t move or get up and walk.
I couldn’t look after my children, so my mum had to come and stay to help us.
After I recovered, I knew I had to do something to strengthen my core and prevent further back injuries.
The incident had really made me worry about my general health.
Prior to having children, I had a strong core from doing Pilates and yoga and hardly ever experienced any back problems, so I wanted to get back to how I was. I received treatment from an osteopath for my back but wanted a long term solution.
Finding MUTU System
I also wanted to do something about my pregnant looking stomach and the constant bloated feeling I was experiencing.
Other symptoms I experienced included leakages when coughing or jumping on a trampoline.
I first came across the MUTU System a year before, while browsing the internet, and although it sounded good, I don’t think I was ready mentally.
However after experiencing too many back problems and being asked one too many times whether I was pregnant. I knew I needed to take action. Just didn’t feel good about myself at all.
I felt very excited and determined before I started the MUTU program. I just felt that it was the only thing that could possibly help me because I had tried everything else.
Once I began the program, I did it every day, without missing a single day, until I finished the program.
I was determined to do everything by the book to ensure I had done everything I possibly could to help myself.
I’ve always believed that if you want to achieve something, then find someone that is an expert in that area and has done what you want to achieve, and follow what they did.
MUTU System results
So that’s what I did.
I found the program very challenging but rewarding. Every day that I completed was an accomplishment.
Challenging myself to ensure that I never missed a day of the program and to make it to the end was fun. The intensive workouts were particularly challenging but very effective.
My favorite part of the program was the core exercises and discovering new, healthier ways of eating.
After completing the program, my body looked slimmer, especially my stomach – it was flat and I no longer felt bloated or looked pregnant after eating.
I just felt like myself again.
I think I even looked better and healthier than I did before I had my children!
Most importantly, I haven’t had a back injury since! My body is definitely stronger.
An added, unexpected bonus, is that my sex life has vastly improved as a result of my strong pelvic floor muscles.
What I would tell my pre-MUTU Self
I would tell my pre-MUTU self, to not put up with all the symptoms that come with DR and to not waste time contemplating whether or not to start the program, and my MUTU story, but to just do it!
It will be so worth it.
For any mums who, like me, were unsure about whether or not to start the program, I would tell them to definitely do it, and don’t give up!
It will change your life, like it did mine, and make you feel better than ever!
You will be confident again and get back to being you.
MUTU has changed my life. I still do the regular core exercises to maintain my core strength and pelvic floor muscles.
Although I have always had a healthy diet, I learned new ways to improve my diet. I look and feel better than I did before even becoming a mum.
I am generally much more confident, healthier and stronger. My children obviously benefit from having a happier and healthier mum.
My second “baby” is about to turn 3!! And I am keener than ever to get a flatter tummy and stronger core ! Yeah!!
My second is about to turn 2 and I felt like it might be “too late” to embark on this program. Your story inspired me to stop waiting and challenge myself. Thanks for sharing!
Heather, I started when my second was 3.5 and it has been awesome!! My mom gifted me the program after my first, back in 2013, and I started it a couple times but didn’t finish. I decided to commit for real a few months ago, and I’m so glad I did, it has been really helpful and transformative. Definitely never too late, if you haven’t already decided to go for it, I hope you do!!