Everything you need to know about MUTU Mama Connect

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Having the right support and motivation can be the difference between giving up or feeling strong and empowered. When you embark on a body healing journey, when you decide you want to feel better in your body, support is THE most important success factor. That’s why we made MUTU Mama Connect – the community for MUTU System members, the ‘MUTU Mamas’.

Where is MUTU Mama Connect?

You will find MUTU Mama Connect inside your private membership site at mutumamas.com when you join MUTU.

It is secure, exclusive to MUTU members and we answer all your questions, personally.

Who answers the questions in Connect?

Wendy Powell MUTU CEO

MUTU Mama Connect is moderated and led by me, Wendy the Founder of MUTU. I’m a recognised as a leader in pre and postnatal recovery, you can read a bunch more about me here.

We don’t use AI bots or robots to guess or answer your questions, like on many weight loss or fitness apps. I answer you personally. Because you are literally the reason I made MUTU more than a decade ago and still love guiding you every week to feel better!

Why don’t you have a Facebook group?

When MUTU first started, back in 2010, I used Facebook to engage with our customers. We had a closed group and it was a great way to get feedback and answer your questions. But the MUTU Mama community got bigger… and then bigger. And a few years down the line, there were tens of thousands in there. Which was awesome in some ways. But in others it wasn’t.

Threads about all things parenting, weaning, sleeping, feeding, vacations and shopping. The inevitable political or other tangents… A dynamic and supportive community of women for sure. But the questions about diastasis recti, pelvic floor dysfunction, prolapse, painful and sex and the mental health issues attached to these symptoms, sometimes got lost. Supporting our tens of thousands of Mamas through the program became harder. There was too much noise. So we took a very deep breath and decided to FOCUS.

Immediate, exclusive access to MUTU Mama Connect

We coded, designed, built and tested until we had a bespoke area of our membership site designed solely with your experience and success in mind. We’re in there very day. Answering your questions, guiding, supporting and motivating you. And of course so are thousands of other mums from all around the world, celebrating, sharing, asking, supporting and cheering you on.

No pending group requests or waiting to get in. Once you’ve purchased the programme your access to the group will be immediate, just like your access to the digital program. Connect is located right within the MUTU Mamas membership site. All in one place. So there’s no need to log in and out of different platforms or get distracted on social media.

Everyone is welcome in Connect

MUTU membership is inclusive and diverse. We welcome and want every woman and birthing person to feel safe within our community. LGBTQ+ parents are welcome. If you need MUTU, we’re here for you. My team maintain a safe space where prejudice or discrimination based on value, belief or choice are not tolerated. MUTU Mama Connect is a place where you will not be judged, shamed or called out. You have never ‘failed’, you are always ‘enough’ and you will receive the respect and loving support we all deserve. We’ve got you ♥︎

Wendy Powell
Wendy Powell
Wendy Powell, Dip PT is Founder and CEO of MUTU System. Wendy is a highly certified postpartum specialist and master trainer, as well as a speaker, Femtech entrepreneur and mentor.

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Life-Changing Results for Moms

  • Approved as safe and effective in Clinical trials
  • Evidence based solution for fat loss, diastasis recti and pelvic floor
  • Stream Pre and Postpartum workouts on-demand from any device
  • Inclusive, expert-led support community
  • Track your step by step progress in the MUTU Hub

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  1. I’m in the fourth week of Mutu and it’s just incredible how much I can see the difference, I have more energy and my diastasi recti is healed, which it was three fingers now is down to one, and I’m not even half way of the program yet. I honestly have the program for 3 years now, and I regretted so much not having stared earlier.

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