In numerous assessments and clinical surveys, including an independent evaluation, MUTU shows statistically significant improvements in pelvic health symptoms and positive patient feedback.
Find out more about the studies and accreditations that prove why MUTU is the best solution to help women regain their body confidence
saw an improvement in how they felt about their body after week 3
and 66% of NHS GP practice patients would recommend MUTU System
Specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapists, GPs, Uro-Gynaecology Surgeons and Midwives refer patients to MUTU as a safe, at-home solution during pregnancy, in the postnatal period and beyond.
Dr. Kimya Tarr is an experienced NHS General Practitioner (GP) and Medical Lead at, where she combines her clinical expertise with a passion for digital health transformation and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare. With nearly a decade of experience as a GP and over seven years in digital health, Dr. Tarr is dedicated to improving patient care through innovation and technology.
NHS GP, Urology clinican and primary care
“The MUTU programme has impacted the lives of so many women in my practice. I am glad that the NHS have clearly identified the value in MUTU’s transformational programme.” Dr Odinake Nwodo MBChB, MRCSEd, MRCGP
Specialist interest in women’s health BMS accredited Menopause specialist.
“Having used MUTU myself for both diastasis recti and my pelvic floor, I would very much recommend MUTU as a safe and effective treatment. It is often difficult to know where to start with postnatal and pelvic floor exercises and I found it very easy to follow and flexible with a young baby and as well as enjoyable!”
Owner of ‘Hey Mama Rach’ & Maternal/Infant Registered Nurse in the hospital setting
“The MUTU program truly changed my first postpartum experience. I was able to tune into, heal, and fall in love with my body after baby. I believe every mother should experience everything this program has to offer”
Consultant Urological Surgeon, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Founder and Medical Director of the London Bladder Clinic.
“I highly recommend MUTU System where surgery is not required, and also as effective preparation and recovery when bladder surgery might be considered. It is safe and effective and the exercise are evidence-based and shown to deliver significant benefits for many incontinence symptoms” BSc(Hons) MSc MD(Res) FRCS(Urol)
The original MUTU mama, Wendy Powell, Dip PT, created the first version of MUTU in 2009. It was the first digital pelvic health solution to be medically recommended by pelvic health physical therapists, GPs, OB-GYNs, and midwives across the world. The program is regularly updated and assessed in line with latest research.
MUTU’s Medical Ambassadors are doctors, consultants and pelvic health specialists with decades of experience. They review content, collaborate on the program and help ensure MUTU remains evidence-based, effective and compliant for your safety.
You can refer to try MUTU directly via our website. When signing up they will get a free trial before purchase is completed. If you’re looking to procure or commission MUTU for your hospital, clinics or healthcare system, please contact us.
To discuss healthcare provider partnerships with MUTU, discuss research or data, and to direct your patients and clients to MUTU, please contact us.
To discuss working with us as an Ambassador, please get in touch with Wendy, NIA Fellow and Director at MUTU.
Data protection and clinical safety are managed by Naq Cyber. See our Privacy Policy here.