Wendy Powell

From pelvic symptoms to painful sex – real MUTU customer results

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Pregnant woman in a green dress, gray sweater, and cream hat outside in the snow.

We value your opinion, in fact, the comments, feedback and results from our members are the only opinions that really matter to us. It’s your experience, your MUTU customer results, that tell us whether the program we made for you, really works. That it is safe, effective, and that you feel *better*.

Your honest feedback means we keep serving mothers better.

The questions we asked in this survey were intimate, and we were thankful you felt comfortable enough to answer honestly and openly allowing us to help more mamas to heal.

MUTU Free Trial

The questions

We asked questions like:

Prior to using MUTU System did you ever experience urine leakage with a feeling of urgency, that is, a strong sensation of needing to go to the bathroom? Did you ever experience urine leakage related to coughing, sneezing, or laughing?

  • Yes ✔
  • No

Prior to using MUTU System did you ever feel discomfort / pain during or following vaginal penetration?

  • Yes ✔
  • No
  • Not sexually active
  • Prefer not to answer

MUTU customer results: pelvic floor

MUTU System results | pelvic floor
MUTU System results | bladder symptoms

Pelvic symptoms

MUTU System results | prolapse

Painful sex

MUTU System results | painful sex

MUTU customer results: diastasis recti

MUTU System results | diastasis recti

97% of women who couldn’t successfully locate or engage their pelvic floor muscles before, were able to after using MUTU System.*
92% of women who had experience bladder symptoms including urinary leakage saw improvement after using MUTU System.*
88% of women suffering from symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse reported improvement after using MUTU System.*
89% of women who experienced pain or discomfort during or after sexual intercourse reported an improvement after doing MUTU System.*
94% of women with diastasis recti / separation of the stomach muscles reported an improvement after using MUTU System.*
94% of women who used MUTU System felt an improvement in how they felt about their body and what it is able to do. *

The science bit

Our survey was based on clinical surveys: EPAQ PF, Female Sexual Function Index, Urinary Distress Inventory, Kings Health Questionnaire, Pelvic Organ Prolapse Distress Inventory 6, focussing on three key areas of women’s health:

  1. Sexual well being
  2. Urinary symptoms
  3. Quality of life

This survey was sent out to over 900 women who had used MUTU System for 6 weeks or more.
Responses were anonymized.

Do you want these MUTU customer results?

You too can experience results like this by becoming a MUTU mama.
Our medically recommended online exercise recovery program has been designed for all mothers.
It will allow you to enjoy control and confidence in how your body looks, works, and feels.
No more embarrassing leaks or discomfort.

You deserve better.

Life-Changing Results for Moms

  • Approved as safe and effective in Clinical trials
  • Evidence based solution for fat loss, diastasis recti and pelvic floor
  • Stream Pre and Postpartum workouts on-demand from any device
  • Inclusive, expert-led support community
  • Track your step by step progress in the MUTU Hub

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