Recover and reconnect – ab exercises designed for moms

curved line

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Ab exercises for moms are likely to be focussed on improving core strength and tone following childbirth. But postpartum exercise must focus first on recovery and reconnection before traditional ab exercises such as crunches or planks will work.

Exercise for new moms…

As a new mom, the weeks and months following birth will be a roller coaster of emotions and hormones, fatigue and overwhelm. Be sure to practice radical self-care during this time! Get as much rest as you possibly can. Ask for and accept help, eat nutritious food and stay well hydrated, especially if breastfeeding. Try to take a walk outside as soon as you feel able. The increased circulation aids healing and the air and movement will support your mental and emotional health.

Ab exercises for moms that will benefit you most are the medically recommended, proven breath-focussed reconnection exercises in MUTU System. MUTU Core techniques will get you back in touch with your deep abdominal muscles and pelvic floor. Only when you have re-established the ability to effectively recruit and work these muscles, can you start to strengthen them.

No movement or exercise needs to be off-limits in the long term. However, in the early months of recovery, we recommend you avoid high impact exercise, as well as crunches or planks. These ab exercises may hinder diastasis recti recovery and even pelvic floor function until your core is stable and strong. Progress your ab exercises gradually and listen to your body – any warning signs like leaking, bulging, straining, shaking or discomfort – stop and back up! Building your core foundations first is a vital first phase.

…and not so new moms

As a not-so-new mom (toddlers, teens or grown-up kids!) the principles of ‘build the foundations first’ still apply. Especially if you are dealing with incontinence (cross your legs when you sneeze? leak a little if you laugh too hard or jump?) or your abdominal muscles don’t feel stable or strong.

Ready to move on? Then the next level of ab exercises for moms is all in MUTU System for you. Progressing and adding intensity and variety phase by phase, so you can move safely to the movements, activities or sports you want to do!

#MUTUSoYouCan ??

Wendy Powell
Wendy Powell
Wendy Powell, Dip PT is Founder and CEO of MUTU System. Wendy is a highly certified postpartum specialist and master trainer, as well as a speaker, Femtech entrepreneur and mentor.

Table of Contents

Life-Changing Results for Moms

  • Approved as safe and effective in Clinical trials
  • Evidence based solution for fat loss, diastasis recti and pelvic floor
  • Stream Pre and Postpartum workouts on-demand from any device
  • Inclusive, expert-led support community
  • Track your step by step progress in the MUTU Hub

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  1. Hi Wendy. I carried twins boys to term 5 years ago. I am 5’1 and during my pregnancy my waist went from 23 to 52 inches (almost my height). I have a 3 finger DR but surprisingly my pain from the DR is not my back but my neck to the point that I can’t move. Went to the doctor many times but can’t find a medical cause. I was looking into your exercise program to help my DR but I was wondering if working my core can also help my neck? Thanks Kathleen

    1. Hey Kathleen,

      I cannot advise on individual medical cases unfortunately. You will need to seek the advice of your doctor or physiotherapist. Requesting a referral to a specialist may be the best option for you. The MuTu System program can certainly help with diastasic recti to address the root cause of this, however if you are experiencing pain right now, you need your doctor’s permission before embarking on the program.


  2. Hi Wendy–I just purchased your 12-week program and am so excited about it! I’m almost 4 weeks postpartum with a twin pregnancy. I believe I have a 3-4 finger gap. Today I did day 1 week 1 of your program. My question to you is what do you think about compression devices, such as belly binders? Should I be wearing them to bed, during your workouts, all day, not at all? I’m so confused and get conflicting opinions all the time, and I’m very interested to see what you think!

  3. Hi Wendy I’m 9 months postpartum,a have twins ,so a whant know if this works for mi,Sorry a don’t speak ingles,but a understand a litlle.

  4. Hi Wendy I’m 9 months postpartum,a have twins ,so a whant know if this works for mi,Sorry a don’t speak ingles,but a understand a litlle.

  5. I’m sorry but I can’t find the instructions on how to engage the pelviv and core together before moving onto the harder ones?

    1. That’s what our programs do Jenny! These are simply a taster of where you’re going with a stronger core

  6. I’m sorry but I can’t find the instructions on how to engage the pelviv and core together before moving onto the harder ones?

  7. Hey, which of the above abd exercises can I do during pregnancy? I have 3-4 fingers DR and am 25weeks. Please advise.

  8. Hey, which of the above abd exercises can I do during pregnancy? I have 3-4 fingers DR and am 25weeks. Please advise.

  9. Hi wendy, how do i buy the dvd? It is not available in amazon anymore. I have 3 finger gap. Shud i go for the mutu focus or the 12week program?

  10. Hi wendy, how do i buy the dvd? It is not available in amazon anymore. I have 3 finger gap. Shud i go for the mutu focus or the 12week program?

  11. Hi. Thanks for the reply. I did initially send an email to your service team about 3 days ago. Just waiting to hear back from them. Thank you.

  12. Hello. I was wondering how long I might expect to wait for a reply to an email that I sent to MUTU System. I am interested in your program but I have questions regarding it before I purchase it. Thank you.

  13. Hello. I was wondering how long I might expect to wait for a reply to an email that I sent to MUTU System. I am interested in your program but I have questions regarding it before I purchase it. Thank you.

      1. Hi. Thanks for the reply. I did initially send an email to your service team about 3 days ago. Just waiting to hear back from them. Thank you.

  14. Hi Wendy, this is great information, thank you! I’m wondering though – I’ve been reading through your website (and also some other information on Diastasis Recti) and cat/cow and plank and push up are all listed as exercises to avoid. Yet you’ve got them in our top 10… Am I to understand that these (unlike crunches) are OK to proceed with as long as you’re properly engaged? Thank you for your help!

  15. Hi Wendy, this is great information, thank you! I’m wondering though – I’ve been reading through your website (and also some other information on Diastasis Recti) and cat/cow and plank and push up are all listed as exercises to avoid. Yet you’ve got them in our top 10… Am I to understand that these (unlike crunches) are OK to proceed with as long as you’re properly engaged? Thank you for your help!

  16. Hi Wendy, I only have about 8 pounds to lose, I’m 48 yrs old, I have 4 kids my baby is 16, I’m not sure where to start or which program is for me. I plan on buying the dvds, I live in the U.S. thanks!

  17. Hi Wendy, I only have about 8 pounds to lose, I’m 48 yrs old, I have 4 kids my baby is 16, I’m not sure where to start or which program is for me. I plan on buying the dvds, I live in the U.S. thanks!

    1. Only the first 4 exercises should be attempted in the early days (up to 12 weeks) – please see guidelines under the video 🙂

  18. Hi, Wendy! Thanks for the video! I have a question about the heel slide, and about my diastasis in general. When I lie on the floor, knees bent, when I do a mini crunch, I find that if I concentrate on my TvAs, I can pull them together from a 4+ finger gap to a 2- or less-finger gap, and then let my head back down to the floor, and I can keep the abs together for a bit (maybe 30 seconds or so?) until the muscles give out. When doing the heel slide, should I engage the TvA in this way, or should I not worry about it and work on keeping the tummy more flat during the exercise?
    Thank you very much!

    1. Hi Jennifer, Yes you should focus on engaging the TVA + pelvic floor if you can whilst doing the heel slide – it is only working if the core muscles are correctly engaged + working during the move. See guidelines above for any doming, pooching or straining – if this is happening, your muscles are engaging quite right yet.

  19. Hi, Wendy! Thanks for the video! I have a question about the heel slide, and about my diastasis in general. When I lie on the floor, knees bent, when I do a mini crunch, I find that if I concentrate on my TvAs, I can pull them together from a 4+ finger gap to a 2- or less-finger gap, and then let my head back down to the floor, and I can keep the abs together for a bit (maybe 30 seconds or so?) until the muscles give out. When doing the heel slide, should I engage the TvA in this way, or should I not worry about it and work on keeping the tummy more flat during the exercise?
    Thank you very much!

    1. Hi Jennifer, Yes you should focus on engaging the TVA + pelvic floor if you can whilst doing the heel slide – it is only working if the core muscles are correctly engaged + working during the move. See guidelines above for any doming, pooching or straining – if this is happening, your muscles are engaging quite right yet.

  20. Wendy,
    My daughter is now 3 and I have been going to the gym for about 2 years now. I never heard about DR until recently. My concern is I have been working out hard and doing a lot of abs and core workouts, my stomach has not hardened and I have this fat pooch that will not go away. I am hoping I have not made my DR worse this whole time. Is it too late for me to correct this problem. Do I need to start with the beginner exercises?

    1. You may have made it worse yes… but that doesn’t mean you can’t put it right again, so don’t worry! Yes you do need to start with the connecting + the engaging – you can’t strengthen what your body isn’t using right. These few are a free taster for you to try or you can go for our full programs.

  21. Wendy,
    My daughter is now 3 and I have been going to the gym for about 2 years now. I never heard about DR until recently. My concern is I have been working out hard and doing a lot of abs and core workouts, my stomach has not hardened and I have this fat pooch that will not go away. I am hoping I have not made my DR worse this whole time. Is it too late for me to correct this problem. Do I need to start with the beginner exercises?

    1. You may have made it worse yes… but that doesn’t mean you can’t put it right again, so don’t worry! Yes you do need to start with the connecting + the engaging – you can’t strengthen what your body isn’t using right. These few are a free taster for you to try or you can go for our full programs.

  22. Hi Wendy, I’m a 36 year old with two kids 2 and 4 years old. I am a very petite and slim person, weighing just under a 100 lbs. I do not need to loose any weight, however, I do have a fat/pouch stomach that is quite noticeable. Would these exercises help me loose the inches off my waist and get flatter abs?

    1. Losing inches is about hormones + fat. Flatter abs underneath is about a core that works right! If you have no weight to lose, then MuTu Focus is the program that will help you put your core back together + get strong

  23. Hi Wendy, I’m a 36 year old with two kids 2 and 4 years old. I am a very petite and slim person, weighing just under a 100 lbs. I do not need to loose any weight, however, I do have a fat/pouch stomach that is quite noticeable. Would these exercises help me loose the inches off my waist and get flatter abs?

    1. Losing inches is about hormones + fat. Flatter abs underneath is about a core that works right! If you have no weight to lose, then MuTu Focus is the program that will help you put your core back together + get strong

  24. Hi Wendy!

    My daughter is now a year old, and I’m still having Spd pain as well as a small DR. Would you recommend the full MuTu System or just start with the 8-week course?


    1. If you have any SPD pain I would suggest the Focus program to restore function + connection first

  25. Hi Wendy!

    My daughter is now a year old, and I’m still having Spd pain as well as a small DR. Would you recommend the full MuTu System or just start with the 8-week course?


  26. Hi Wendy!
    I was wondering which program I should use first? I have 4 kiddos..ranging from 17 years to 18months. My last two were c-sections. I have about 40lbs to reach my ideal weight. I have DR, but also need to tone and lose weight. Should I try and correct the DR first with the 8 week program or will the 12 week program cover both problems? Thanks so much!

  27. Hi Wendy!
    I was wondering which program I should use first? I have 4 kiddos..ranging from 17 years to 18months. My last two were c-sections. I have about 40lbs to reach my ideal weight. I have DR, but also need to tone and lose weight. Should I try and correct the DR first with the 8 week program or will the 12 week program cover both problems? Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Andrea, I’m so sorry, we have our first ever (in 2 years) technical glitch with the membership content right now – we are working to get this resolved as soon as possible – I’m so sorry for the inconvenience – I’ll let you know as soon as we’re up again!

    1. Hi Andrea, I’m so sorry, we have our first ever (in 2 years) technical glitch with the membership content right now – we are working to get this resolved as soon as possible – I’m so sorry for the inconvenience – I’ll let you know as soon as we’re up again!

  28. Hi wendy, same problem as Kate below. when I enter the password nothing comes up. I just bought your program today and the same problem with the videos for week 1. I really want to start. I tried Safari, firefox and explorer. Please help me here.

    1. I am so sorry – for the first time ever we have a glitch today on our password protected pages – we are working on it as fast as we can to get this resolved – I’m so sorry for the delay !

  29. Hi wendy, same problem as Kate below. when I enter the password nothing comes up. I just bought your program today and the same problem with the videos for week 1. I really want to start. I tried Safari, firefox and explorer. Please help me here.

    1. I am so sorry – for the first time ever we have a glitch today on our password protected pages – we are working on it as fast as we can to get this resolved – I’m so sorry for the delay !

  30. Hi wendy, thanks for the video. I am thinking in joining your program, but i have a question, what kind of balance ball do you use? I mean, the measiurements? Thanks!

  31. Hello Wendy,

    I just checked out your site :’) I have a 3 year old and am disgusted with my belly. When I lay down on my back my belly bulges and is squishy and the muscles are def. separated 2 finger widths. How many times a day are you supposed to do the exercises and how many days a week? Also, when would you think I could see results? I just joined the gym and attend the classes, mainly just cardio like zumba, and dance it out classes. Can you please help me out? Thanks a bunch,


  32. Hello Wendy,

    I just checked out your site :’) I have a 3 year old and am disgusted with my belly. When I lay down on my back my belly bulges and is squishy and the muscles are def. separated 2 finger widths. How many times a day are you supposed to do the exercises and how many days a week? Also, when would you think I could see results? I just joined the gym and attend the classes, mainly just cardio like zumba, and dance it out classes. Can you please help me out? Thanks a bunch,


    1. No need to yell 😉 The password is on the email you were sent immediately on sign up – it’s mututenbest

  33. My muscle is mostly stretched apart right at the umbilicus and immediately above and below. I had an outpouchng above since right after my sons birth but no one ever explained what it was. I wonder if I should avoid any of these exercises since I have several bulging discs and annular tears in my lumbar area.

  34. My muscle is mostly stretched apart right at the umbilicus and immediately above and below. I had an outpouchng above since right after my sons birth but no one ever explained what it was. I wonder if I should avoid any of these exercises since I have several bulging discs and annular tears in my lumbar area.

  35. Hi Wendy, thanks for these exercises, they look great. My daughter is 18 months old. I’ve been exercising , mainly running, fairly regularly since she was born with sporadic abs work as well. I can hold a plank for about a minute, but I think my abs must be really weak where they join at the top to my ribs- if I do interval training ( just running) I get a burning sensation at the top, causing me to stop, and some soreness afterwards. I only have a small diastasis but it seems more evident at the top, my abs are firm lower down but more spongy round my ribs!. Have you heard of this before? Would your programme address this? Sorry hope that made sense!!

    1. The rectus abdominis muscle runs from breast bone to pubic bone – so anywhere along this vertical line could be the weakest point. Yes, the program will definitely help you to identify, restore + strengthen your muscles!

  36. Hi Wendy, thanks for these exercises, they look great. My daughter is 18 months old. I’ve been exercising , mainly running, fairly regularly since she was born with sporadic abs work as well. I can hold a plank for about a minute, but I think my abs must be really weak where they join at the top to my ribs- if I do interval training ( just running) I get a burning sensation at the top, causing me to stop, and some soreness afterwards. I only have a small diastasis but it seems more evident at the top, my abs are firm lower down but more spongy round my ribs!. Have you heard of this before? Would your programme address this? Sorry hope that made sense!!

    1. The rectus abdominis muscle runs from breast bone to pubic bone – so anywhere along this vertical line could be the weakest point. Yes, the program will definitely help you to identify, restore + strengthen your muscles!

  37. I am 6 weeks post C section. My third child but my first C section. I never new that my extended belly had a name or could be repaired without surgery. I am very unhappy with the way my belly looks and feel it won’t ever go down. my muscles feel very weak but I am hoping these top ten moves help. I am fit and a runner. I am really hoping this system works as I am interested in buying it. Being 28 yrs and a mom since I was 18, I am longing for a chance at a normal looking tummy. Any tips or supportive words? And is this system the real deal?

  38. I am 6 weeks post C section. My third child but my first C section. I never new that my extended belly had a name or could be repaired without surgery. I am very unhappy with the way my belly looks and feel it won’t ever go down. my muscles feel very weak but I am hoping these top ten moves help. I am fit and a runner. I am really hoping this system works as I am interested in buying it. Being 28 yrs and a mom since I was 18, I am longing for a chance at a normal looking tummy. Any tips or supportive words? And is this system the real deal?

  39. Hi Wendy,

    Am I right in thinking that I can do the first four of these exercises when pregnant but not the rest? And is it worth buying either of your programs whilst pregnant or should I wait until the baby is here?

    Thank you, can’t wait to start finding my stomach again!


    1. Hi Tanya, Yes MuTu Focus is perfectly safe + very beneficial during pregnancy + yes – just the first 4 from this video.

  40. Hi Wendy,

    Am I right in thinking that I can do the first four of these exercises when pregnant but not the rest? And is it worth buying either of your programs whilst pregnant or should I wait until the baby is here?

    Thank you, can’t wait to start finding my stomach again!


  41. Hi Wendy!
    I excercised throughout my entire pregnancy! I was a track runner for more than 15 years. However, I developed DR during my first pregnancy and a small umbilical hernia. I am going to order your video but was wondering, once I am heeled and my core is strong can i resume normal workouts such as crunchies, etc? Or will my abs revert back? Is this a life time change? Can I no longer engage in activites that would cause my abs to push back out?
    Also, I started working out recently 9months Post Par, and my gap has gotten worse. It started 4 finger gap. I have been working on my posture, wearing a squeem, and breathing techniques while at work and it closed to 2 1/2 fingers. I did boot camp last week, and now my abs are back to four fingers! Please help, I dont know what to do and I used to working out hard. I really really really need your assistance. Thank you 🙂

    1. Hello Shalonda, Moves that cause excessive intra abdominal pressure will always push your abs the ‘wrong’ way – but you will learn how to function + move + workout without increasing intra abdominal pressure! Re: crunches. You never need them, they are absolutely not the best way to flat abs anyway (thats not just for moms, that for anyone!). LIke any dietary change, healthy living or exercise endeavour, if you stop doing what works, your body will head back where it was!!MuTu teaches you how to use your body correctly, so that you can move + workout the way you want to, safely. It also teaches you how to listen more mindfully to what your body is telling you + to work with it, not against it. Yes MuTu System will help – take it one step at a time. ‘Working out hard’ with a four-finger-wide hole in your core is not a great long term idea for future function let alone aesthetics, of your core or your pelvic floor… work with your body to heal first. The 12 Week Program has everything you need including intensive workouts that will not harm you further!

  42. Hi Wendy!
    I excercised throughout my entire pregnancy! I was a track runner for more than 15 years. However, I developed DR during my first pregnancy and a small umbilical hernia. I am going to order your video but was wondering, once I am heeled and my core is strong can i resume normal workouts such as crunchies, etc? Or will my abs revert back? Is this a life time change? Can I no longer engage in activites that would cause my abs to push back out?
    Also, I started working out recently 9months Post Par, and my gap has gotten worse. It started 4 finger gap. I have been working on my posture, wearing a squeem, and breathing techniques while at work and it closed to 2 1/2 fingers. I did boot camp last week, and now my abs are back to four fingers! Please help, I dont know what to do and I used to working out hard. I really really really need your assistance. Thank you 🙂

    1. Hello Shalonda, Moves that cause excessive intra abdominal pressure will always push your abs the ‘wrong’ way – but you will learn how to function + move + workout without increasing intra abdominal pressure! Re: crunches. You never need them, they are absolutely not the best way to flat abs anyway (thats not just for moms, that for anyone!). LIke any dietary change, healthy living or exercise endeavour, if you stop doing what works, your body will head back where it was!!

      MuTu teaches you how to use your body correctly, so that you can move + workout the way you want to, safely. It also teaches you how to listen more mindfully to what your body is telling you + to work with it, not against it. Yes MuTu System will help – take it one step at a time. ‘Working out hard’ with a four-finger-wide hole in your core is not a great long term idea for future function let alone aesthetics, of your core or your pelvic floor… work with your body to heal first. The 12 Week Program has everything you need including intensive workouts that will not harm you further!

  43. Hi Wendy,
    I’m so glad i found your site 🙂 I have a 5 finger width seperation and my doctor told me that i would possibly need surgery to repair it, so i hope you might be able to advise me on a couple of things. Firstly, do you believe or know if it is possible to acheive good results with excercise with a a large gap, to avoid surgery? and also how long do you estimate it would take to improve with excercise/how often should i excercise? My youngest daughter is 14 months old and my oldest 3 years old, i have had 2 c sections and the seperation was present from the first pregnancy and i’m fed up of the bulge and back pain.
    Any advice would be greatfully recieved..
    Thanks for your time x

    1. Hi Lauren, You will find everything you need to know on the blog under this category + on the free report you received when you signed up for this video. You can always improve your core, regardless of how long ago you had your babies + how wide the gap. No program can or should guarantee total ‘closure’ -that would be unhelpful as everyone is different – but these articles will reassure + inform you of what is possible with our programs 🙂

  44. Hi Wendy,
    I’m so glad i found your site 🙂 I have a 5 finger width seperation and my doctor told me that i would possibly need surgery to repair it, so i hope you might be able to advise me on a couple of things. Firstly, do you believe or know if it is possible to acheive good results with excercise with a a large gap, to avoid surgery? and also how long do you estimate it would take to improve with excercise/how often should i excercise? My youngest daughter is 14 months old and my oldest 3 years old, i have had 2 c sections and the seperation was present from the first pregnancy and i’m fed up of the bulge and back pain.
    Any advice would be greatfully recieved..
    Thanks for your time x

    1. Hi Lauren, You will find everything you need to know on the blog under this category + on the free report you received when you signed up for this video. You can always improve your core, regardless of how long ago you had your babies + how wide the gap. No program can or should guarantee total ‘closure’ -that would be unhelpful as everyone is different – but these articles will reassure + inform you of what is possible with our programs 🙂

  45. Hi wendy
    Im a spanish mum of two
    Today a doctor diagnosis me DR and recommend me to do more exercises with professional supervision
    In my cas what dvd you recommend me?
    Do you send it to Spain?
    It looks so good!,,


    Bsts regards


  46. Hi wendy
    Im a spanish mum of two
    Today a doctor diagnosis me DR and recommend me to do more exercises with professional supervision
    In my cas what dvd you recommend me?
    Do you send it to Spain?
    It looks so good!,,


    Bsts regards


  47. Where on the website exactly can i find how to download info about ‘how to engage the transverse abdominis & pelvic floor simultaneously’ Please?

    1. Hi Rowena, well doing this properly is kind of what our programs teach you! But you can find information if you search under pelvic floor exercises + core exercises in the cloud over there to the right.

  48. Where on the website exactly can i find how to download info about ‘how to engage the transverse abdominis & pelvic floor simultaneously’ Please?

    1. Hi Rowena, well doing this properly is kind of what our programs teach you! But you can find information if you search under pelvic floor exercises + core exercises in the cloud over there to the right.

    1. Get comfortable. That’s the only rule April! If you can relax into a position + find your muscles, you’re doing fine 🙂

  49. Since I’m 5 months pregnant would I just do those back lying exercises on a wedge to keep my heart elevated?

  50. I cannot view the video after entering the password. It starts for a second and then says “Embedding disabled by request. Watch on YouTube.” and the video becomes grayed out. I have also tried to open this in different browsers, and watch on youtube, but nothing is working. I still get the same problem. Can this be fixed, or can you email me the video as a file?

  51. I cannot view the video after entering the password. It starts for a second and then says “Embedding disabled by request. Watch on YouTube.” and the video becomes grayed out. I have also tried to open this in different browsers, and watch on youtube, but nothing is working. I still get the same problem. Can this be fixed, or can you email me the video as a file?

  52. I signed up for the free video but it says I need a password!? Where do I get the password?
    Thank you.

  53. Just one question: Do those workouts really build muscle as the weights are relatively low and the repititions pretty high? I am asking because most fitness articles claim that you need to use pretty high weights and stay in the 6-10 rep range…Just curious, it obviously works for you 🙂

  54. Just one question: Do those workouts really build muscle as the weights are relatively low and the repititions pretty high? I am asking because most fitness articles claim that you need to use pretty high weights and stay in the 6-10 rep range…Just curious, it obviously works for you 🙂

  55. Many thanks – had twins in 2001 and 4.5 gap in diastasis  – have tried another method (by someone else) but the videos but given up as take nearly 2 hours and as a widow with 3 kids had to  have no time except a half hour around 5 in the morning – again thank you thank you  – can’t tell you how much the Utube video will help – will just do the 4 until get to 3 or less spacing – in Australia and nothing that I know of like this here – and there are around 8 million mums – at least…wonderfu to “find” you – now I have hope!

  56. Many thanks – had twins in 2001 and 4.5 gap in diastasis  – have tried another method (by someone else) but the videos but given up as take nearly 2 hours and as a widow with 3 kids had to  have no time except a half hour around 5 in the morning – again thank you thank you  – can’t tell you how much the Utube video will help – will just do the 4 until get to 3 or less spacing – in Australia and nothing that I know of like this here – and there are around 8 million mums – at least…wonderfu to “find” you – now I have hope!

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