“Hey I am Louise. I am 32 years old and a mom of 1. I was a boot camp instructor and fitness enthusiast before becoming pregnant. Here’s my story of postnatal fitness with diastasis recti.
I just didn’t understand or anticipate how diastasis recti and core weakening through pregnancy would impact me. Naively I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with it since I was fit before pregnancy.
After self-diagnosing diastasis recti and then getting it confirmed by my OB, a pelvic floor physical therapist. recommended the MUTU System program. I had to learn and teach myself how to properly use my core again. I was about 12 months PP when I came to MUTU.
It was all very humbling to start back at the beginning, but patience and hard work helped me grow a lot in my healing.
Too many mamas don’t even know about diastasis recti. I didn’t understand what it was or that I had it. My OB never checked for it or told me to look for it! I still looked pregnant even though I was trying to eat right and exercise.
How postnatal fitness is different with diastasis recti
My stomach would cone when I tried to do crunches (I didn’t know I shouldn’t) and then I researched my issues afterwards. I felt bleh. honestly just so bleh. Not at all my confident happy self.
I wanted to be healthy and fit again.
I was diligent about doing my specific postnatal fitness with diastasis recti workouts when my baby napped. Staying patient and being gentle and loving to myself with slow progress was tough. But any progress is progress so I did my best to stay positive.
I also had to tell myself it was ok to take 17 weeks instead of 12 to finish. Getting the work done right and mastering a move was more important than speed.
My fitness has come on leaps and bounds. My core is stronger, I can do more workouts confidently and safely. Everyday tasks feel more stable, my breathing is more specific to help support my core, and my posture is loads better.
I feel more intentional with my movements in workouts and in daily life.
“Thank you MUTU! Emotionally, I’m just so dang proud of myself. And that’s hard for me to say. Regaining my confidence through postnatal fitness is something I hoped for but didn’t truly expect. My hubs noticed, as have friends and family.”
A message to my pre-MUTU self…
Stop procrastinating and thinking you’ll find an “easier/faster way to fix it”. Like…wearing a binder isn’t going to put your muscles back together.
If you are thinking about joining the MUTU System community you will be so happy you did. The program helps you every step of the way and explains WHY things will help. It was educational and so helpful for me as a visual learner to be able to follow the workouts in real-time.
I feel like I’m showing my daughter that living a healthy lifestyle (workouts and food choices) is the way to go. She sees me make healthy food choices and being active as part of her daily life forever. I’m setting a good example and I am so pleased MUTU helped me find that.”