Post-Pregnancy Body Changes: Normal vs. Concerning

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Your post-pregnancy body: Understanding the changes

Your body after having a baby, even a long time after having your baby, looks and feels different. 

But when is different “normal” and how do you know when something is just not right? What’s your tummy supposed to look like? Is it normal to feel like that when you go to the bathroom? Will that always stick out / feel numb / not work / feel funny?

Let’s take a look at what’s normal and what you might want to get checked out when it comes to your postpartum body.

The reality of childbirth and its effects

The unpredictability of childbirth

Firstly, more often than not, the childbirth part doesn’t go quite as we expected. 

Long pushing stages, prolonged labor, medications, and other interventions, baby not being in an optimal position can all make postpartum recovery more difficult.

Also, it’s important to remember whether this is your first baby or your fifth, no birth is the same and your body may not react the same every time. 

The natural healing process

Remember that Mother Nature really is pretty awesome, and your body after having a baby will heal, given time, rest, and some love.  

At the same time many, many women are living with issues that they really shouldn’t have to, and importantly, that can be helped, if you know what movements and exercises you should or shouldn’t be doing to help heal in your particular circumstances.

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Symptoms in the first 8 weeks: What’s considered normal?

Let’s start with some perfectly normal (if not altogether pleasant) symptoms and feelings your post-pregnancy body may experience in the 0-8 weeks after you have your baby.

Physical sensations and discomforts

1. Unpleasant feeling inside

When you go to the bathroom, you may feel like your insides are going to fall out. (As I said, normal doesn’t always mean nice). They won’t. But they may feel like they’re going to.

2. Incontinence (urine, stools, and/or gas)

Your ability to control your urine, stools, and gas may be less than ideal. I.e. you leak or fart and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.

3. Difficulty getting comfortable

You will shift about when you sit or stand, not quite sure where everything is supposed to go and trying to get comfortable.

4. Soreness of the pubic area, hips, back and neck

Everything is sore. In your pubic area or your hips, back, neck, … or any or all of the above. Actually, you may be sore in lots of places.

5. Soreness around your scar (if you had a C-section)

Added to the above soreness around your scar if you had a c-section is extremely common.

Self-care and healing in the early weeks after birth

Importance of rest and gentle movement

Your body has just done an amazing thing and has been through a lot in the process.  Rest is so important and will really help your recovery journey both physically and mentally. So rest, rest, rest. And then go rest some more.

In the early stages after giving birth very gentle movements alone are perfect to help your body.  

Aside from the gentle stretches given below, walking is the top recommended exercise in the early weeks following birth. So go for a daily walk, if you can manage it. It’s a wonderful boost for your brain and body to take a stroll with your baby.

Beneficial stretches for relief

Simple stretches like these should help improve your circulation and release the tension from your poor muscles.

1. Stretch and release

  1. Clasp your hands behind your back
  2. Lift your hands towards the ceiling to relieve those poor shoulders
  3. Very gently raise your nose to the ceiling
  4. Release

2. Shallow squats

Try squatting (not too deep) while holding on to a heavy table leg or banister for support. Think ‘bum back and down’ and keep your shins vertical so you sit back into it. Make sure the thing you’re holding won’t move! Push through your heels and your mid-foot as you stand.

3. Lying on back, legs up

Lie on your back on the floor with your legs in the air and shuffle your bottom right to a wall. Legs straight up the wall, back, shoulders, and neck relaxed. If you feel able to let your legs drop to the side otherwise just hang out there for a while.  Place a yoga block or cushion under your head and upper shoulders for comfort.

Finding and understanding your core muscles

This is the most important of all. Start to find and reconnect with your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. We don’t want to ‘exercise’ them yet, we just want to find them again.

  1. Sit comfortably or lie on a mat.
  2. Inhale and let your stomach muscles and pelvic floor relax. Let it all go.
  3. Next, exhale and lift your pelvic floor. To make this easier, imagine you are picking up a grape with your vagina or sucking up a smoothie through a straw. Try to think of it, not as a squeeze at the front, but a deep lift, right in the middle. 
  4. Then breathe in and relax those muscles being careful not to forcefully push down. Keep shoulders and chest relaxed. 
  5. Take a few deep breaths like this whenever you remember, relaxing everything as you inhale, then contracting again as you exhale.
  6. Repeat for at least 5 breaths.

This is just a very super-short description of the MUTU Breath – the cornerstone of pelvic floor and core recovery and strengthening.

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Beyond the first 8 weeks

Gradually increasing activity levels

OK, now you can gradually start to increase your levels of activity, but nothing should hurt when you do.  

As you go through your postpartum journey, you can start to build back up to longer and more intensive workouts at the pace that feels right for you and keeps you safe. You can move through stages of working out from light to moderate, to vigorous intensity. 

Symptoms that aren’t normal

By normal here I mean, this shouldn’t be happening. 

It may be happening, because these symptoms are sadly very common and women just live with them. But you really shouldn’t have to, because the right corrective exercise can make a BIG difference.

When to seek medical advice

The specialist you really need to see about any ongoing post-pregnancy and pelvic symptoms is a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist. They will be able to help you understand what you’re dealing with and make recommendations for your individual circumstances.

Beyond the first 8 weeks, you should have stopped bleeding, and you should have stopped hurting.  If you are still bleeding or hurting, then please see your doctor again ASAP. 

Abdominal pain or cramping should also always be taken seriously – if you’re experiencing either of these things then this is something you should speak with a medical professional about.

Common, but potentially concerning, symptoms

Pain in your back, pelvis, abdomen, hips or legs

 In your back, pelvis, abdomen, hips, or legs. Back pain after a c-section is particularly common but again shouldn’t be happening or ignored.

Postpartum incontinence and leaking

Leaking urine or worse when you sneeze, laugh or cough; or leaking as you’re rushing to the toilet.

Bulging or doming of your abdomen

Bulging or ‘Bearing Down’ from your Tummy or Pelvic Floor – Bulging or doming of your abdomen when you do any exercise or movement. 

Feeling like you’re ‘bearing down’

Feeling like you’re bearing down, like you can’t keep a tampon in, or like something is falling out or between your legs, in or from your vagina or rectum.

Postpartum abdominal pain or cramping months after giving birth

Each body is different and in the case of birth, there are (at least) two bodies at play here.  

As your uterus does its incredible expansion and you grow a baby in there (or a few of them at once), it is going to put some added strain on the soft tissue in your pelvic floor. They are responsible for holding up your organs normally, and have the added pressure from supporting the weight of a baby.

Added to this every birth itself is unique, so even if it’s not your first baby, you might experience completely different things than before.

The reality is there are many reasons (and usually some combination) that can cause postpartum discomfort or persistent symptoms. 

Some of these come from the normal changes occurring in pregnancy which happen to affect some mums more than others.  

Other reasons are due to circumstances that arise in the process of giving birth or from certain birthing procedures. For more on the potential impact of vaginal and cesarean deliveries on the pelvic floor see here.

Our postpartum body’s ability to recover

At MUTU we work with women on reconnecting, emotionally as well as physically, with their bodies. This is so important when they have ‘cut off’ from certain body parts when faced with incontinence, discomfort or stretch marks. 

Our body’s ability to recover and feel amazing is still there, but it needs help, in the form of very specific exercise and great nutrition, as well as a lot of love and acceptance.

Urine leakage and bulging postpartum are both very common, but that doesn’t mean it’s normal or OK.

You don’t have to put up with it! If you’re experiencing leakage, incontinence pads can play a useful role in managing it day-to-day but our ultimate goal is a pelvic floor that works.  For this, we need to focus on reconnecting and engaging our core and strengthening our pelvic floor.

Focus on your core and pelvic floor health

The most important thing you can do for healing is to focus on reconnecting to your core and strengthening your pelvic floor.

Important: Your 6-week check is not the ‘all clear’ to work out like crazy. It is simply an arbitrary, and quite early, check-in to ensure your postpartum body is healing safely.  

So take it easy and progress very gradually to any kind of more intensive exercise. More on red flags and when you’re ready to run, lift and get intensive here.

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Addressing issues of leaking and bulging

Core and pelvic floor exercises like stretches and squats can work wonders at addressing underlying pelvic floor issues that may be related to leaking and bulging.  

However before starting it’s important to remember that there’s a lot more to pelvic floor training than squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. There’s a complex network of pelvic floor muscles, ligaments, and tendons down there. 
We’ve put together a selection of excellent postpartum exercises to get you started here with guidance on how to do them correctly and supporting videos. 

How MUTU can help with postpartum recovery

For even more exercises, guidance, and support on everything from workouts to mindfully reconnecting to your body check out the MUTU system program.

Many moms say they benefit from guidance and access to a wider community to keep them on track and motivated.  The MUTU System program offers all of this and more, it is recognized by medical professionals around the world as safe and it is clinically proven to work.

This vital core and pelvic floor work is the foundation on which all your recovery and activity will rest.

It’s super important so don’t miss it! If you want to get back to (or start) exercising without leaking or hurting, now or in the future, MUTU is where to start.

Seeking Professional Help

The role of a pelvic health physical therapist

The specialist you want to see about any ongoing post-pregnancy and pelvic symptoms is a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist.

They will be able to help you understand what you’re dealing with and how to adapt exercises to your individual circumstances.

Strengthening core muscles post-pregnancy

Then you can start to find and understand your core muscles, and then you need to strengthen them. You can’t do the latter until you have done the former… 

For now, avoid sit-ups or crunches, don’t do high-impact exercise, and don’t leap into a class or routine that does not give you very specific corrective exercise for a recovering mother.


Being a new Mama can be overwhelming, joyful, and more than a little scary.

Whether this is your first baby or you’ve been here before, every postpartum journey is unique. How you’re feeling right now, emotionally and physically, is your own very real, very valid experience.

By better understanding the changes in your body after giving birth – you can start to put into practice proven techniques for improving your symptoms.

Not only will this bring you relief but will empower you and give you confidence in how your body looks, works, and feels.

Wendy Powell
Wendy Powell
Wendy Powell, Dip PT is Founder and CEO of MUTU System. Wendy is a highly certified postpartum specialist and master trainer, as well as a speaker, Femtech entrepreneur and mentor.

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  • Track your step by step progress in the MUTU Hub

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  1. I have had two c sections and am now almost 5 months post pardom. Sex where my abs used to be hurts it aches and I feel like I have no an strength to be creative for sex. I feel bad for my husband and also feel like I can’t be as sexy due to it hurting only in my abdominal area. If you could
    Give me suggestions that would be great! I am in week 4 of MUTU and need to be more disciplined!

    1. Hi Renee, any kind of abdominal surgery that you’ve had causes significant trauma so it’s really important to give yourself time to heal and return to full strength. Painful sex is something many women experience after having children…, but this is not something that you should have to live with. Checkout out MUTU Mama Ashley’s video, talking about this here. If you’re experiencing any kind of abdominal pain or discomfort when you have sex, or otherwise, we’d strongly recommend that you consult with a Women’s Health Physical Therapist. Let them know the program you’re following so that they can see how it can complement the care that they can offer you.

  2. Hi

    This isn’t a question. I actually want to share my experience. I had an all natural water birth. Things didn’t go as planned.. I had severe hemorrhaging after I gave birth and was rushed out of the tub to stop the bleeding. When I left the hospital 3 days later, I knew i was going to be sore but I didnt’t know that I wasn’t going to be able to walk. I was in so much pain every step I took. I even collapsed. I felt like it wasn’t right… that I should at least be able to walk. I went to my midwife and she agreed, it was not right. I had many tests and ultrasounds done which revealed that a tiny cartilage that connects the left and right sides of my pelvic was dislocated. I went through physical therapy for 6 months to be able to strengthen my pelvic floor and keep everything in alignment. I had to be careful for up to a year because i was at risk of dislodging it again.
    So bottom line, if you have severe pain down there while walking, go see a doctor… its not normal.

  3. I currently have an issue. I just had sex, and I went to the bathroom to pee. I pushed because I felt like I had to fart. I got a SEVERE sharp pain in my lower abdomen, pelvis, and it went down my butt to my anus. I still feel the pain after 30 minutes. I’m not sure what to do but it hurts awfully bad. My only son is almost 2. I’m not sure if this pertains to the original post…but I’m desperate for some help.

    1. Hi Britney, you need to speak to your medical practitioner or doctor about this. We are unable to comment on medical issues.

  4. Hi I had a still birth 4 months ago. I was 24 weeks and 6 days. I saw my midwife for the first 10 days but have not saw or been examined since. I find it painful to lye on my stomach, I wake every morning with a painful back and I get pains where my ovaries are. Is this normal as this was my first pregnancy. I’m booked in to go through my 2nd try of ivf in October.

    1. Hi Stacey, so sorry for your loss. Please always check any pain with a Doctor or specialist Pelvic Health Physiotherapist as soon as possible – we cannot diagnose you on the blog.

  5. Hi, I’m two months postpartum, I had a c section do to pre eclampsia and I’ve noticed I’ve been up and down with my weight every couple weeks, i almost feel as if I’m pregnant again as my stomach just feels so full but I know I’m not. Is this normal?

  6. HI,

    after competing my 4 months after a delivery i feel pain in my vagina bone at the time when i woke up or in the night what should i need to do is it normal

    1. Please always check any pain with a Doctor or specialist Pelvic Health Physiotherapist as soon as possible – we cannot diagnose you on the blog my Love.

  7. I just had a baby and I have little bit of tenderness in my upper part of my belly button is that normal

    1. Hi Breanna. You need to speak to your midwife or doctor about this. We are unable to comment on medical issues. Congratulations on the birth of your baby! xx

  8. hi,i had baby girl age of almost 4 years and 7years son,8years girl and nine years son and i had same problems but when i discuss with my obgyn in brooklyn maimonides female doctor she said you are normal she didn’t do anything didn’t advice me anything i am worried about so much but never share with some one but know i read and find out its same happened to me,i am very scares now because whenever i pea i feel something try to come down and i feel burdon and then i finish it goes back to its place
    i had all such issues as
    1. Pain – In your back, pelvis, abdomen, hips or legs

    2. Leaking urine or worse when you sneeze, laugh or cough; or leaking as you’re rushing to the toilet.

    4. Bulging or ‘Bearing Down’ from your Tummy or Pelvic Floor – Bulging or doming of your abdomen when you do any exercise or movement. Feeling like you’re bearing down, like you can’t keep a tampon in, or like something is falling out or between your legs, in or from your vagina or rectum.

    1. Hi Aneela,

      I’d recommend that you get a referral or refer yourself to a Women’s Health Physiotherapist / Pelvic Physical Therapist if you aren’t getting the answers you’d like from your doctor.

      Read more on this here:

      The symptoms you are experience shouldn’t be ignored and you don’t have to put up with them. A specialist Women’s health or pelvic physical therapist will be able to help you.


  9. Hi I had a baby 12 days ago and woke up with some ankle pain in one ankle. Idk if this is normal I did s little walking the day before with my son in park. I also have neck And shoulder pain is there any stretches I can do for this. I meet with a physical therapist on tues but anything I can do in between. Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Crystal,

      I hope your physical therapist has been able to advise you on the right treatment for this pain and discomfort. It is your best bet to speak face to face with a medical professional so you’ve done the right thing. 🙂

  10. Is something wrong if my fiancee is bleeding Alot the last two weeks and had a child Lil over 4 months ago?

    1. Hey Jonathan.
      Thanks for your comment. My advice would be that your Fiancée books in to speak to her doctor about this as soon as she can. It’s best to get these things checked out by medical professionals as I am unable to advise on individual medical cases. 🙂 x

  11. It’s really important that, if you are experiencing pain, you seek the advice and guidance of a medical professional. You must discuss these symptoms with your doctor so they can give you the proper care you need. 🙂

  12. Hi I’m 7 weeks and I’ve been having like dull painless stabbing pains on my both ovaries and in the middle I called the docter about it and she said it was probabaly just a cyst but if it got worse to call hasn’t got worse. Symptoms have decreased a lot no bleeding or really bad cramping I have an appointment on the 8 of may idk if I should be worried

    1. Hi Alicia,

      I am unable to diagnose or advice on individual medical cases. If you are concerned, please see your doctor as soon as you can so they can properly examine you and give proper medical advice.

  13. I’m two weeks postpartum and I leak blood when I cough. It seems to go away but then comes back heavy. Is this normal?

  14. Hi lady’s, 10 weeks pp, feeling sick and stomach doubled In size. Just feel rotten I could cry is this normal. And my stomach is sore and tender, my bum is numb and I can’t sit for no more than 5 min without being uncomfortable. I had a c section under GA.

    1. Oh Pip. You poor dear. If you have any medical concerns, you should seek advice from your midwife or doctor. I’m unable to advise on individual medical cases.

  15. After delivering a baby, what is a good plan for daily walking for exercise: how soon/how far? I realize the answer would vary under different circumstances, but I would appreciate your perspective postpartum walks, generally.

    1. This is something you’ll need to clear with your doctor first, Wendy. But The Focus Program, or the first Core Phase of the 12 Week Program, are safe to start in the early days after birth. These foundation stages of the programs are designed to help you locate and restore connection to your core muscles. They are gentle, helping you to re-connect with your body and increase circulation to your core and pelvic floor to aid healing. The daily walk advocated in all our programs is healthy and nourishing to start as soon as you feel able.

      You should wait a minimum of 6 weeks following a vaginal birth without complications, and at least 10 weeks following a c-section or any birth complications, before commencing the Intensive workouts in the 12 Week Program. These workouts are introduced in Week 3, so you will simply stay on the first 2 weeks of core restoration until you are ready.

      Seek medical approval from your doctor before starting any exercise program after childbirth.

  16. I been cramping every since my baby was born and he was born dec 22 but the cramp only come wen im laying down over night

  17. I had my baby 11 weeks ago and when I lay on my side my vagina hurts a lot and affecting being able to fall asleep and wakes me up I have been to 2 doctors all they say is hmm that’s strange maybe pressure from needing the toilet. It’s not that anyone else in this type of pain it’s a solid 8

  18. I have a 9 month old baby..c section delivery.. I observe that whenever i walk alot or walk fast i feel some abdominal pain.. Is anyone else facing the same? Is this normal?

    1. Hey Pranjul, This is something you should definitely discuss with your doctor or physical therapist. Abdominal pain is not normal so you should seek some medical advice on this. xx

    2. I have the same issue and I had my baby 4 months ago via csection, I read somewhere it takes like a year or two to fully recover from.

  19. I feel like i have gas inside /around my c sec and last week i have bad gas attack on my body and now everymorning i wake up with alot of pain around my c sec does any one tell me whats wrong ?

    1. Hi Alvina, Please speak with your doctor about this. We cannot advise on individual cases and you must always seek guidance from a medical professional if you have any concerns. 🙂

  20. hi I have a 9month old baby and periods haven’t started yet but past few days there r so heavy cramps which is sometimes unbearable and also heavy white discharge.the pain is so much and BTW there r no chances for me to be pregnant or anything like that.should I have to consult and so gynecologist?

    1. Hey zehra i have same
      Feelings i have my 9 month baby and feeling same pains as u mentioned but last week my periods starts as normal m so feeling relaxed now u have pain mean mybe in a few weeks u will had ur periods

    2. Hi Zehra, You should absolutely consult your doctor about this. We cannot comment on individual medical cases. You should never ignore pain so please seek advice from a medical professional. 🙂

  21. Hi Megan, You should speak with your midwife, health visitor or doctor about this to make sure you are getting the correct medical advice and care for you personally. Unfortunately I cannot diagnose or offer medical advice here. The best thing to do would be to make a call to book in its you doctor to talk through your postpartum symptoms. 🙂

  22. Hi.. I had baby 4 months back and it was cesarean. Now I’m suffering for sevior low back pain and stomach aches. Morning time I couldn’t able to wake up easly.. My legs will pain a lot and while sleeping I can’t turn side wise easily.. My leg nails turned brown and blackish.. Please suggest

    1. Hi Lakshmi. You need to speak with a medical professional to make sure you get the correct medical advice and care that you need. It’s important you go to speak with your doctor. I’m unable to make medical diagnosis or offer medical advice here.

  23. I had my first child about almost a month ago. I’ve just started to get cramps is that normal?

  24. I just gave birth last month at normal delivery and usually every time I poop it’s really really hard for me.. Those hard and big poop really get me sweat and makes me stay longer inside the Comfort room Today I was shock after I poop out there’s a lil blood from comes from my vagina.. Yeah Im having a hard time pushing it out “ALWAYS” but this time its different and I’m afraid on why theres blood coming out from my vagina and yeah I checked it, if it’s from my anus but no it’s really came from my vagina I feel nervous right now and I think I need to slow down on how I move but the problem is it’s when I poop please Please I need your help Mommies!

    1. Hey Mae, You must speak to your doctor about this. This needs proper medical advice and guidance. You may also be interested in using a Squatty Potty to help with pooping more comfortably:
      But first and foremost you must seek advice from a medical professional.

  25. I had my baby 3 months ago and ever since I had I been having which I believe is heartburn but is right in between my breastbone and gurguration I’ve never had this during or before pregnancy

    1. Hey Liss, If you have any personal medical queries, you need to speak with your doctor who’ll be able to advise you properly. Unfortunately we cannot offer diagnosis or medical advice here.

  26. Hi Wendy,
    I gave birth almost 4 months ago and I’m having really bad night sweats. It only happens in my sleep. I’m so wet that it wakes me up and when I wipe my forehead and arms I can literally see the water dripping from my hand. I never had this issues prior to getting pregnant or durning. What could be causing this and why is it still going on? Please help it’s frustrating.

    1. Hey Ivory,
      Unfortunately I cannot make a medical diagnosis. You will need to speak with your doctor about this if you have concerns. 🙂

  27. I have been having pelvic pains and bad hip pains and lower back pains. My stomach feels different and my son is 2 months and I had a c-section I’m not sure what normal and what’s not

  28. I just had my baby Jan 13th and my uterus hasn’t came into place it has been hurting in that spot I told my doctors she said its ok for me to go back to working my 12 hour shifts my whole time I had a lot going on moving and all no rest I just don’t feel like I have enough energy or healing time to go back to work what shall I do?

    1. Hi Aniana. Unfortunately we cannot advise on individual medial cases. If you are in pain or don’t feel quite right then you need to go back to your doctor again for advice.

  29. I am 3 months postpartum and when I go for walks I feel achy in my pelvic area of my lower stomach what could this be?

    1. Hi Trish. Unfortunately we cannot medically diagnose here. You need to speak with your doctor or women’s healthy physical therapist to diagnose what could be going on.

  30. I had my first baby almost 3 months ago and having bad pains in my muscle’s down there when I move, what should I do?

    1. First port of call should be your doctor Katlyn. You need to seek professional medical advice on this one. xxx

  31. it has been almost 3 months since I had my twin boys by C Section. I’m still numb around the cut they made. I get sharp burning shooting pain sometimes when I stand up! And I’m just now starting to feel discomfort when I urinate. When I urinate i feels as if I’m having contractions and I don’t know if it’s normal or not. I’m a first time mom so I’m not familiar with what is normal and not normal

  32. it has been almost 3 months since I had my twin boys by C Section. I’m still numb around the cut they made. I get sharp burning shooting pain sometimes when I stand up! And I’m just now starting to feel discomfort when I urinate. When I urinate i feels as if I’m having contractions and I don’t know if it’s normal or not. I’m a first time mom so I’m not familiar with what is normal and not normal

  33. I am 3 weeks and still struggle to walk having pains in my hips and legs and I feel nothing when wanting to urine I go sit in the toilet for 2 mints then I urine

    1. Hi Charlotte. Please seek advice from your doctor for this medial query. Unfortunately I cannot advise and diagnose medical issues on this blog.

  34. im 5 weeks postpartum and i still have no sensation of needing to pee. I cant feel when my bladder is full and have trained myself to go to the toilet every 2 hours. is this normal? i had a kiwi vacuum delivery and epidural (catheter in)

    1. Hi Ann, This is something you need to speak to your midwife or doctor about as you need advice from a medically trained professional.

  35. I am almost 10 weeks postpartum and at night when I’m nursing I am having very mild twinges in my pelvis. Not painful persay, but noticeable.. Just started feeling this a couple nights ago, before that I thought I was pretty much “back to normal”. Anyone else?

    1. Hey Breanne. This sounds like something you need to speak to your midwife or doctor about to be sure. 🙂

  36. I know it’s normal to cramp for 6-8 weeks postpartum as your uterus is contracting back to it’s normal size. And that breastfeeding usually intensifies that cramping. Is it normal for said cramping to continue to 12 weeks postpartum? Just mild cramps and usually just while breastfeeding or pumping.

    1. Hey Leslie. You need to speak to your midwife or doctor to ask this question. Unfortunately we cannot advise on medical queries. 🙂

  37. Nana, you must see a medical professional to get proper advice and guidance. We cannot offer a medical diagnosis or advice here.

  38. Hi please advice its been 4 months after my c-section i start having pai on my stomach right hand side but now back hurt and was slightly pain got abot worse bec my back also pain idea what it could be? Thank you age 27

    1. Hi Lisa. Unfortunately I cannot offer medical advice on this blog. You MUST seek the guidance, care and advice of your medical health care provider. Best wishes.

  39. “Please don’t leave comments below requesting medical diagnosis or assessment, go see your Doctor instead.” – The article you just read..

  40. During and since my pregnancy (I’m approx 8 weeks out), I’ve had painful skin–not sure how else to describe it. It’s mainly the skin around my joints. For example: rubbing lotion on my knees, feet, and ankles causes pain when rubbing it into the skin. I don’t know what this is or how to fix it? Or if it’s a normal side effect of pregnancy that will eventually go away?

    1. “Please don’t leave comments below requesting medical diagnosis or assessment, go see your Doctor instead.” – The article you just read…

    2. Hey De.wise. This is something you must discuss with your midwife or doctor. Unfortunately we cannot medically diagnose or advise here.

  41. I had my son 2 months ago, before I got discharged from the hospital I took the birth control, depo. (this isn’t my first time getting the depo, but the first time me ever getting it inside my arm.) Recently, I’ve been bleeding, but never nothing too heavy, just light and some spotting. But recently, on Thanksgiving night, I was having headaches, which accompanied legs and arm pains.. and now stomach pains. (I think it is my period, but I’m not so sure.) PLEASE HELP

    1. “Please don’t leave comments below requesting medical diagnosis or assessment, go see your Doctor instead.” – The article you just read.

    2. Moesha, you must see a medical professional to get proper advice and guidance. We cannot offer a medical diagnosis or advice here.

  42. After having my son, I have struggled with my stretch marks. I tried dermelastic serum and it has lightened my stretch marks and some of them you cant even really see anymore. I am so glad I tried dermelastic. I hope it works just as good on my bigger stretch marks.

  43. Hi Renee. You need to go and see a medical professional to seek help with this. Unfortunately I cannot advise or diagnose.

    1. Hi Kimberly. This definitely sounds like something you need to speak to a medical professional about. Unfortunately I cannot advise or comment on individual medical cases.

  44. Hi I have too many stretch marks on my stomach it seems red and gives lot of pain and am now 9 months pregnant

    1. Congratulations Sowmiya. If you’re concerned at all about your stomach please seek the guidance and advice from a medical professional.

  45. Hi Kristin. If you’re unsure, definitely go back to your doctor. I am unable to advise on individual medical queries here.

  46. Its beenabout 2 months since I gave birth to my son and I have serious low back pains and also I have pains as if I was in labor all over again I have cramps that feel more like contractions I feel like this is jot normal has anyone been through something like this ?

    1. Hi Brittny. This is definitely something you need to speak to a medical professional about. Unfortunately we can’t advise on medical queries like this. Your best bet is to book an appointment to see your doctor to be referred to a Women’s Health Physio.

  47. I’m sorry … what ?! .. Now I’m inclined not to believe you at all .. Nothing you just said makes any sense! You had seven babies and each were conceived when the last was 5 months old ?!!! Or you waited 5 months ?! ..Lady, you have been in this situation !! SEVEN times ! I don’t care how, where or when you conceived the children .. but you did have every opportunity to use a friggin pregnancy test! .. I pray to God almighty that you are a surrogate..

  48. Actually no, I never had a baby back to back, I always had them after 5 months, and so then ya I would know then to take a pregnancy test, however I never had one right after, so you shouldn’t judge , I gave four up for adoption, then God has blessed me with another that I kept, because he knows I am trying to be faithful to him, and that I truly always wanted another baby, and i am suppose to get a hysterectomy, and so I would like to know if I am if I have to wait for that yet again, please don’t judge something you don’t know, and I can tell your judging because you automatically assume I should know when to take a test when I have never been in this situation, and also by the face you gave me, please don’t thank you and God bless!!

  49. Hi Wendy

    I had a c section 12 weeks ago, when the section was carried out my stomach muscles wouldn’t go back and there were problems so all of my muscles were stitched back in place as well as the usual c section stitching/cuts. I have been told to be very careful to avoid a hernia op but how long would you recommend waiting before doing exercise again?

    1. Hi Nicki. This is something you need to clear with your doctor. I’m unable to advise on individual medical cases.

  50. Hey Kristin. If you are concerned it’s always best to go and seek medical advice. Unfortunately I cannot advise individuals so I’d always recommend seeing your doctor. 🙂

  51. I gave v- birth about 4 1/2 months ago. I have a pain in my leg int he inner part that sometimes goes to my butt and belly.. When I move something with my foot my pelvis area and belly hurt/ sore.. What is this??

    1. Hi Melina. You must see a medical professional to get proper advice and guidance. We cannot offer a medical diagnosis or advice here.

    1. Hi Lorena. We cannot give advice on medical issues. You need to speak to your midwife or doctor as soon as you can if you are concerned.

  52. I;m entering my 3rd week of post baby. I had a VBAC, and lately my body has been up and down. One moment my body feels “normal” then the next I feel like a dump truck just ran over my entire body or I did an intense workout. I often get chills but it goes away quickly when I’m near something warm. I’m currently breastfeeding, so my boobs aren’t in pain. My area down there isn’t bothering me. I’m able to wipe down there with caution still, no foul odor. my bleeding is slowing down, but I still wear a pad in case i spot, it’s not red its more like brownish spotting. But my entire body feels weak at times. I was given 600mg ibuprofen for discomfort but since I’m no longer having any pain down there I don’t take it, BUt when my body starts to ache I do take it only got aching body that I’m feeling right now, not sure if I should stop taking it and let my body do it’s course. It’s nothing major to be alarmed or be concern. Has anyone experience this type of feeling? I’m just thinking it’s my body that is trying to get back to normal. I don’t do too much activity but drop my older son to school and pick him up, do light cleaning nothing intense. I breastfeed as well so not sure if that’s casuing my body to feel like this. I usually take power naps when the baby is sleeping or just lounge in my rrom on my bed relaxing. HELP!!!!!!

    1. Hi Ninoska,
      You should allow at least 6 weeks postpartum before embarking on any exercise regime and always get the okay from your doctor first. Your body has been through a lot so give it some time to rest and heal in it’s own way before starting an exercise program.

  53. I have a strong line from my belly button and to my uterus. Kinda bloating here and there and fart a lot… Is that a big indicator of being pregnant? I’m going back home in a few days (that’s where my insurance resides) and I’m just wondering if I should go to the doctor or I’m just in over my head. I never felt a line on my belly before…

    1. Hey Courtney. It’s best you seek advice from a medical professional as we’re unable to comment on individual medical cases. They’ll be able to help you and determine this for you. 🙂

  54. I had my baby 3weeks ago is it normal to just now start getting weird painful bruising around my belly button and just a little below my belly button.??

    1. Hi Julia. We’d recommend you speak to your midwife or a Women’s Health Physiotherapists about this issue. Unfortunately we cannot offer advice on individual medial cases. 🙂

  55. Hi wendy, im 3 months pp and i feel like my 1. cervix is sore, not all the time. Sometimes, i feel the sore if theres air coming out from the cervix, sometimes, it will just hurt/feel sore suddenly for like a minute and will go away. 2. I still dont have regular vaginal discharge like bfore i got pregnant. Theres nothing in my panties.its like no vaginal discharge at all. 3. There’s a bad smell in my panties-not normal vaginal smell.
    I had my 1st period last may 27 and the amount is normal. My Dr. Took a pap smear like 3 weeks ago and said its normal.
    I dont know what is this. Please help.

    1. Hi Kris. Unfortunately I’m unable to comment on individual medical cases. You need to consult with your doctor or visit a Women’s health physio if you aren concerned about anything medical related.

  56. I had my baby nearly 13 months ago. I’ve started eating healthy and exercising everyday. When I’ve finished my workout my belly moves like I’m pregnant but I’m not pregnant. I’ve been told it could be my stomach or abdominal muscles tightening.

    1. Hi Tasha. The core exercises within the MuTu System program are safe for postpartum women and perfect for strengthening your core and pelvic floor after having babies. It’s important you are doing exercises that are safe for your body at this stage. Take a look here to find out if our programs are right for you: if you’d like some more hands on guidance from a health or fitness professional near you, check out our MuTu Pro listings to find a Pro near you. 🙂 x

  57. Hi Wendy, I had my little one a little over 2 weeks ago, bleeding stopped a few days ago, but ended with a good amount of clots coming away. Had to take clexane for a week postnatal. The last few days, I lhave experienced a pain to the left of my belly button, not always there, but noticeable if i lean forward or if my little one leans on it. skin feels tender. I had normal delivery, no major complications, did lose 900ml of blood however. is this pain something I should worry about?

    1. Hi Colette. For an medical related queries, you really need to seek the advice of a medial professional. 🙂

  58. I had my baby 10 weeks ago, I got my 2nd period yesterday very light. Today I past a big blood clot but I feel sore below like ive fell on a log between legs anyone else experience this?

    1. Hi Tracey. If you have any concerns it’s best to speak with a medical professional. We cannot diagnose or assess you online.

  59. This could be a sign of pregnancy! When i was pregnant and me and my hubby had intercourse i felt the same. I hope your guy’s wishes come true.

  60. Hi Wendy, I am 3 months pp and ever since having my baby I have been experiencing pain in my abdomen which coeculates to my lower rincage not sure if this is normal or worth going dtraight to emergency?

  61. Hello I have a lot of questions, I deliver my baby 2months ago and also have a 2year old, it hasn’t been easy resting. Now at this time I been having a lot of pain in my pelvis area and back.
    I had a pregnancy scares like a month ago and took the plan b pill since I took it I been having a lot of cramps and haven’t had my period !! Idk if this is because of TE pill of or is just that I haven’t rest well !!

  62. I know this is an old post, but I just came across it. My second child is 20 months old, and I still have back pain. I can’t stand still for more than 30 minutes without pain, and after bending over, my back hurts. I’m sure my core muscles are very weak, but I thought it would have improved by now. By the way, both of my babies were 9 lbs +. But I have lost my baby weight from my second pregnancy. I’m 5′ 7″ and 158 lbs.

  63. I’m almost 6 months pp . I had a vagibal delivery and every time my period hits it feels like after birth cramping. I hemmoraged while having my son and I remember the doc saying something about my womb wasn’t right. It hurts like hell today! Any suggestions?

  64. Hi
    Im almost 22 weeks. Both my children where prem babies. With my son they manage to stop the labour. Every time i go to to toilet making a poo. I get back pain sore back pain. En pain moving to my tummy. And i get like a pressure down their. With my son i didint have labour pains at all i just had pressure down there. Pls tell me is it normal. I get slight pain in my side tho. But allot near my bladder

  65. Hi
    I had my4 baby about 2weeks ago …the problem is I still have pain in my tummy and my back when I walk ….it Is the first time I have this pain it wasn’t t like that …with my other children I use to go out after 1 week of giving birth ….in really worried

    1. Please see your Doctor right away Houda, we cannot diagnose or prescribe treatment from this website. ALL pain should be investigated by a Doctor personally as soon as possible, not investigated via the internet. Good luck x

  66. Hi! I’m two months post partum, I feel fine until I go to work and stand and move around for long periods. My job is very physical. Then my pelvic area aches and hurts. Is this normal? When should I worry or expect to be pain free?

  67. Ok so I had a baby 9weeks ago 4th child well I am wondering if I should worry or not I haven’t had a period since the normal bleeding after the birth I took a pregnancy test yesterday n it was negative

  68. Hi wendy,
    I had my daughter 3 months ago and im having stomach pains its been happening on and off since I had her. I been cleaning and doing my normal house work for a good amount of time. But im wondering if I should get checked out. I jist don’t feel good ive also had back pain as well. Sometimes my daughter will sleep on me but she weighs almost 15 pounds now. She was 9 when she was born. So im freaking out thinking my insides are bleeding or something lol. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.

    1. Please see your Doctor or Women’s Health Physiotherapist right away for medical help. We cannot diagnose or prescribe treatment from this website.

  69. Hi Wendy it’s been 26 days since I gave birth and I had my urine drain twice during labour could this be the cause why I was bleeding through my pee hole? The bleeding has since ease but when am finish peeing or when I get up from peeing it hurts I also have a thicker than normal discharge now but no funny smell

    1. You must see a medical professional to get proper advice and guidance. We cannot offer a medical diagnosis or advice here.

  70. Hi Wendy I just had a c section about four months ago ang still grt back pain to wear my insides hurt and I get sick is this normal?????

    1. Yai Shyennr, You must see a medical professional to get proper advice and guidance. We cannot offer a medical diagnosis or advice here.

  71. Hi i had my baby 7 weeks ago bleeding and everything had stopped but now wen i go to the bathroom to urine and i wipe there is blood is dat normal it seems as if im spotting

    1. We’re unable to offer medical advice on this blog. Please always use your doctor as a first port of call for medical queries.

  72. Hi i had my baby 7 weeks ago bleeding and everything had stopped but now wen i go to the bathroom to urine and i wipe there is blood is dat normal it seems as if im spotting

  73. I am 8 weeks pp and just noticed that like… Inside of my belly button it hurts really bad like if I poke it gently even it hurts real bad like inside my belly…. Any idea s?? Tia

    1. We cannot offer medical advice on this blog. Please always seek help and advice from your doctor as a first port of call.

  74. I am 8 weeks pp and just noticed that like… Inside of my belly button it hurts really bad like if I poke it gently even it hurts real bad like inside my belly…. Any idea s?? Tia

  75. I am 8 weeks pp and just noticed that like… Inside of my belly button it hurts really bad like if I poke it gently even it hurts real bad like inside my belly…. Any idea s?? Tia

  76. I need to know why after I eat why I’m having stomach pains of and on and I had my baby 7 weeks ago. It’s like a dull n ongoing pain n I do poo a lot everytime I feel like this. I sometimes get nauseated as well.

    1. Did you ever get an answer ? I’m the same way. Even if I drink water I hat huge pain ….in scared of eating or Sri king anything now.. It’s been three months .

  77. I need to know why after I eat why I’m having stomach pains of and on and I had my baby 7 weeks ago. It’s like a dull n ongoing pain n I do poo a lot everytime I feel like this. I sometimes get nauseated as well.

  78. I had my baby 3 weeks ago and I just now got this sharp pain at the bottom of my belly and it feels like my insides are gonna fall out when I try to use the restroom. Didn’t have this problem until today. The pain hasn’t gone away and hurts more when I take a deep breath. Is this normal or could it be a sign of an infection or something?

  79. I had my baby 3 weeks ago and I just now got this sharp pain at the bottom of my belly and it feels like my insides are gonna fall out when I try to use the restroom. Didn’t have this problem until today. The pain hasn’t gone away and hurts more when I take a deep breath. Is this normal or could it be a sign of an infection or something?

  80. I had my baby 3 weeks ago and I just now got this sharp pain at the bottom of my belly and it feels like my insides are gonna fall out when I try to use the restroom. Didn’t have this problem until today. The pain hasn’t gone away and hurts more when I take a deep breath. Is this normal or could it be a sign of an infection or something?

  81. I’m about 7 weeks into postpartum..this is my second child. Anyway I’m doing it all by myself and I was forced into a complete rearrangement of a room, I never really stopped bleeding or hurting. I never had time to ‘rest and recover’. But my concern is since I began moving and lifting heavy things (bed, dressers..) the soreness of my insides (lower abdomen) has gotten worse and the bleeding has started flowing heavier than days after birth. Any suggestions?

    1. Please go see your Doctor right away Kat! We cannot diagnose or assess you online + you need to consult with a medical professional right away.

  82. I’m about 7 weeks into postpartum..this is my second child. Anyway I’m doing it all by myself and I was forced into a complete rearrangement of a room, I never really stopped bleeding or hurting. I never had time to ‘rest and recover’. But my concern is since I began moving and lifting heavy things (bed, dressers..) the soreness of my insides (lower abdomen) has gotten worse and the bleeding has started flowing heavier than days after birth. Any suggestions?

  83. I had my son 10weeks ago. Havent had any problems up until 3days ago i started what im thinking is my first period since he was born. But im worried cause im losing alot of blood i could fill up a pad in 30minutes and the blood is still running out. Any ideas or suggestions on what to do or what it may be? I take care of him alone so im constantly going and have been since day he was born?

    1. Go to the don’t want to bleed to death.. my best friend almost died a few months ago bleeding like that…she was having a miscarriage and had she not went they told her she would not have made it bc she lost so much blood she was peeing blood and not actually peeing it was just coming out like that

  84. I had my son 10weeks ago. Havent had any problems up until 3days ago i started what im thinking is my first period since he was born. But im worried cause im losing alot of blood i could fill up a pad in 30minutes and the blood is still running out. Any ideas or suggestions on what to do or what it may be? I take care of him alone so im constantly going and have been since day he was born?

    1. Go to the don’t want to bleed to death.. my best friend almost died a few months ago bleeding like that…she was having a miscarriage and had she not went they told her she would not have made it bc she lost so much blood she was peeing blood and not actually peeing it was just coming out like that

  85. im 8 months pregnant my stomach is hard as a rock , while my vigina has been hurting for the past 4 days is that normal?

  86. im 8 months pregnant my stomach is hard as a rock , while my vigina has been hurting for the past 4 days is that normal?
    is it signs im going it to labor soon? help its my first child.

    1. Its actually normal and yes youre soon to be in labor… No worries i felt like that on my first and second pregnancy….

  87. im 8 months pregnant my stomach is hard as a rock , while my vigina has been hurting for the past 4 days is that normal?

    1. Its actually normal and yes youre soon to be in labor… No worries i felt like that on my first and second pregnancy….

  88. I had my baby on October 7 he was 5 weeks early because I was going into renal failure, baby and I are doing well but I have been noticing that with me when standing the upper part of my abdomen gets really hard and top pay off my belly button is sensitive I get pain in that upper area is it cause for concern?

  89. I had my baby on October 7 he was 5 weeks early because I was going into renal failure, baby and I are doing well but I have been noticing that with me when standing the upper part of my abdomen gets really hard and top pay off my belly button is sensitive I get pain in that upper area is it cause for concern?

    1. You are probably experiencing braxton Hicks, try doing the opposite of what you are doing when they start (if you laying down, then sit up or stand) if it goes away it’s just your body preparing for when baby comes.

    1. You are probably experiencing braxton Hicks, try doing the opposite of what you are doing when they start (if you laying down, then sit up or stand) if it goes away it’s just your body preparing for when baby comes.

  90. I’m 17 weeks pregnant and my body doesn’t let me know when I have to go empty my bladder I’m stomach just starts to hurt is that normal??? Please I need answers

  91. I’m 17 weeks pregnant and my body doesn’t let me know when I have to go empty my bladder I’m stomach just starts to hurt is that normal??? Please I need answers

  92. Hi im 16 weeks pregnant and feel like ive been kicked in.the vagina,it feels bruised an swolled inside an feel like there is a head there or something, and i.feel a lot of pressure down there when i wee,is this normal

  93. Hi im 16 weeks pregnant and feel like ive been kicked in.the vagina,it feels bruised an swolled inside an feel like there is a head there or something, and i.feel a lot of pressure down there when i wee,is this normal

  94. Hi I had my baby 11 weeks ago after a normal delivery I was storing water and had to have it drained. Over the past few weeks ive been swelling up more feet ankles legs belly and breast only tonight ive noticed my belly button is swollen and looks bruised im a little bit worried x

  95. Hi I had my baby 11 weeks ago after a normal delivery I was storing water and had to have it drained. Over the past few weeks ive been swelling up more feet ankles legs belly and breast only tonight ive noticed my belly button is swollen and looks bruised im a little bit worried x

  96. I just have my third baby 4 days ago…i having allots of pain in my lower body…can’t walk at all…is that normal…..with my other baby I didn’t have any soreness at all…..

    1. Yes I believe it is especially if you had a vaginal birth. Plus if you are nursing, it hurts more every time you have a baby. I know by now your baby is a little over two weeks and you should be feeling better mine is 8 week now and he’s my third as well. So yes take it easy, ha if you can. Yell at your girl friends, partner and parents to come help you. Good luck!

  97. I just have my third baby 4 days ago…i having allots of pain in my lower body…can’t walk at all…is that normal…..with my other baby I didn’t have any soreness at all…..

    1. Yes I believe it is especially if you had a vaginal birth. Plus if you are nursing, it hurts more every time you have a baby. I know by now your baby is a little over two weeks and you should be feeling better mine is 8 week now and he’s my third as well. So yes take it easy, ha if you can. Yell at your girl friends, partner and parents to come help you. Good luck!

  98. Hi, my baby is 8 months now.I had a c section delivery. But now even after 8 months my belly is too fatty with a very loose skin all hanging down with lots of stretch marks and still I look 6 months pregnant. Also my weight which was 58kg before pregnancy had gone up to 75 kg with no sign of any decrease.I really don’t know what to do and this had made me very very depressed. Please help and guide me.

    1. This could be dietary, with out knowing everything about your life it’s hard to guide you however if you are nursing that will help and remember a lot of woman take up to two years to lose all their weight. Lots of walks, healthy eating, water, water, water and plenty of sleep, when you can. There’s a lot of things that can happen to your body from having a baby and if you are really concerned talk to the doc cuz they can check your thyroid and blood levels

  99. Hi, my baby is 8 months now.I had a c section delivery. But now even after 8 months my belly is too fatty with a very loose skin all hanging down with lots of stretch marks and still I look 6 months pregnant. Also my weight which was 58kg before pregnancy had gone up to 75 kg with no sign of any decrease.I really don’t know what to do and this had made me very very depressed. Please help and guide me.

    1. This could be dietary, with out knowing everything about your life it’s hard to guide you however if you are nursing that will help and remember a lot of woman take up to two years to lose all their weight. Lots of walks, healthy eating, water, water, water and plenty of sleep, when you can. There’s a lot of things that can happen to your body from having a baby and if you are really concerned talk to the doc cuz they can check your thyroid and blood levels

  100. I’ve checked to see if I have a diastasis and honestly can’t go more than one or two fingers deep so I’m not exactly sure if I have the condition or not. It might help to explain that I two children the youngest being 6 months old and no matter how hard I work out and eat relatively well I still look very pregnant. Please help

    1. If your belly sticks out then there is excessive intra abdominal pressure, whether or not you have a large diastasis. Either way it is realignment + restoration of the core that will improve it.

  101. I’ve checked to see if I have a diastasis and honestly can’t go more than one or two fingers deep so I’m not exactly sure if I have the condition or not. It might help to explain that I two children the youngest being 6 months old and no matter how hard I work out and eat relatively well I still look very pregnant. Please help

    1. If your belly sticks out then there is excessive intra abdominal pressure, whether or not you have a large diastasis. Either way it is realignment + restoration of the core that will improve it.

  102. Please see your doctor as a matter of urgency Katie, these are not issues I can diagnose or treat at all. I hope you get some help ASAP

  103. I had my second baby by c section 9 weeks ago. I took it pretty easy for six weeks, only doing a little lifting at 5 weeks postpartum. I saw the doctor and everything was fine so I started birth control and began lifting everything with no restrictions. Well now my belly is tender again and I feel pain in my vagina especially when I pee, the whole “insides falling out feeling” that happens right after birth. Has this happened to anyone else? Am I over doing it even though its been over six weeks ?

  104. I had my second baby by c section 9 weeks ago. I took it pretty easy for six weeks, only doing a little lifting at 5 weeks postpartum. I saw the doctor and everything was fine so I started birth control and began lifting everything with no restrictions. Well now my belly is tender again and I feel pain in my vagina especially when I pee, the whole “insides falling out feeling” that happens right after birth. Has this happened to anyone else? Am I over doing it even though its been over six weeks ?

  105. I had my second baby by c section 9 weeks ago. I took it pretty easy for six weeks, only doing a little lifting at 5 weeks postpartum. I saw the doctor and everything was fine so I started birth control and began lifting everything with no restrictions. Well now my belly is tender again and I feel pain in my vagina especially when I pee, the whole “insides falling out feeling” that happens right after birth. Has this happened to anyone else? Am I over doing it even though its been over six weeks ?

  106. I have a 10 month and I found out I’m pregnant again we are happy but yesterday had to go to the ER cause had some pink blood they said the baby was good today when to my doctor cause of my bleeding more and darker and have really bad back pain they told me it can be signs of miscarriage but then they told me my cervix is closed and that the baby looks good and his heart was good ….I’m really scared I don’t know if I’m going to keep it or not I have no idea what’s more possible????

  107. I have a 10 month and I found out I’m pregnant again we are happy but yesterday had to go to the ER cause had some pink blood they said the baby was good today when to my doctor cause of my bleeding more and darker and have really bad back pain they told me it can be signs of miscarriage but then they told me my cervix is closed and that the baby looks good and his heart was good ….I’m really scared I don’t know if I’m going to keep it or not I have no idea what’s more possible????

    1. Hi Ana, please see your Doctor right away, we do not provide medical diagnosis or treatment of any kind. We cannot help with these issues at all + you really need to see a Doctor ASAP

  108. I have a 10 month and I found out I’m pregnant again we are happy but yesterday had to go to the ER cause had some pink blood they said the baby was good today when to my doctor cause of my bleeding more and darker and have really bad back pain they told me it can be signs of miscarriage but then they told me my cervix is closed and that the baby looks good and his heart was good ….I’m really scared I don’t know if I’m going to keep it or not I have no idea what’s more possible????

    1. Hi Ana, please see your Doctor right away, we do not provide medical diagnosis or treatment of any kind. We cannot help with these issues at all + you really need to see a Doctor ASAP

  109. I had my baby three months ago and i fart a lot. This is my second child and its the first time this happens to me is that normal

    1. Farting (especially loudly!) is indicative of a hypertonic (too tight) pelvic floor. Muscles that are too tight are every bit as weak as weak as muscles that are too slack – you need to be able to relax fully, as well as engage, all the core muscles for them to function optimally – our programs will help

  110. I had my baby three months ago and i fart a lot. This is my second child and its the first time this happens to me is that normal

    1. Farting (especially loudly!) is indicative of a hypertonic (too tight) pelvic floor. Muscles that are too tight are every bit as weak as weak as muscles that are too slack – you need to be able to relax fully, as well as engage, all the core muscles for them to function optimally – our programs will help

  111. I am breastfeeding n using contrsptvs, my son is 4 mnths now n m feeling some movements on my tummy I even bought a pregnancy test but it ws negetive. Is ths normal?

  112. I am breastfeeding n using contrsptvs, my son is 4 mnths now n m feeling some movements on my tummy I even bought a pregnancy test but it ws negetive. Is ths normal?

    1. I’m sorry Portia, I can’t diagnose abdominal or pelvic pain from these comments – please see your doctor for reassurance and individual assessment

  113. I am breastfeeding n using contrsptvs, my son is 4 mnths now n m feeling some movements on my tummy I even bought a pregnancy test but it ws negetive. Is ths normal?

  114. I had my son 17 months ago and still have pelvis pressure and hips hurt and I still get swollen like retaining water and cant lose any wieght

  115. I had my son 17 months ago and still have pelvis pressure and hips hurt and I still get swollen like retaining water and cant lose any wieght

  116. I had my son 17 months ago and still have pelvis pressure and hips hurt and I still get swollen like retaining water and cant lose any wieght

    1. I can’t diagnose that one for you Josefjna! Take a pregnancy test to be sure and see your Doctor re the pains.

  117. I had a baby 17 month ago n a baby 10 week ago and when I go toilet it hurts my clitoras area can anybody help

  118. I had a baby 17 month ago n a baby 10 week ago and when I go toilet it hurts my clitoras area can anybody help

    1. Please see your Doctor as soon as possible, Tasha, we cannot diagnose pain for you, sorry.

  119. I had a baby 17 month ago n a baby 10 week ago and when I go toilet it hurts my clitoras area can anybody help

  120. my baby is already 17 mos and i still leak a lot especially when im running. and i cant control to stop it. is this normal?

  121. Hi there, thanks in advance for any advice,
    I had my baby two years ago (emergency C-section) and it took my body a long time to recover. I have been back at the gym and following advice from personal trainers who say they know about this stuff, but I’m concerned about my core muscles. Basically my stomach sticks out. There’s like a ridge of muscle sticking out. And my stomach still domes when I sit up. It doesn’t feel right in there. And if I sit forwards I get abit of pain/discomfort. So I’m guessing I haven’t been given great advice.
    My partner bought me your book (‘Get your body back’ or something similar) but I’m still abit worried. Does it matter that I gave birth two years ago, can I still sort it all out if I get good advice? I’m prepared to go back to the beginning and get strong as I want to have another baby.
    Thanks for any advice 🙂

  122. Hi there, thanks in advance for any advice,
    I had my baby two years ago (emergency C-section) and it took my body a long time to recover. I have been back at the gym and following advice from personal trainers who say they know about this stuff, but I’m concerned about my core muscles. Basically my stomach sticks out. There’s like a ridge of muscle sticking out. And my stomach still domes when I sit up. It doesn’t feel right in there. And if I sit forwards I get abit of pain/discomfort. So I’m guessing I haven’t been given great advice.
    My partner bought me your book (‘Get your body back’ or something similar) but I’m still abit worried. Does it matter that I gave birth two years ago, can I still sort it all out if I get good advice? I’m prepared to go back to the beginning and get strong as I want to have another baby.
    Thanks for any advice 🙂

  123. hi i gave birth 13 weeks ago and im on my second period now and iv had loads of clots some really big n the rest the size of a golf ball i had a manual removalof placenta and my perios is bright red

    1. Please see your Doctor ASAP. I’m afraid we are neither medically qualified nor able to diagnose or prescribe medical treatment,

  124. hi i gave birth 13 weeks ago and im on my second period now and iv had loads of clots some really big n the rest the size of a golf ball i had a manual removalof placenta and my perios is bright red

  125. I gave natural birth on January 01 is going to be 3 months im raelly confused is it normal to feel movements inside and to feel cramps when you are brestfeeding ??

  126. I gave natural birth on January 01 is going to be 3 months im raelly confused is it normal to feel movements inside and to feel cramps when you are brestfeeding ??

    1. Its probably your body still’feeling’ the baby, and yes breastfeeding is like a workout, I had that with my daughter for a long time but of your worried.vall your dr!

  127. I gave natural birth on January 01 is going to be 3 months im raelly confused is it normal to feel movements inside and to feel cramps when you are brestfeeding ??

    1. Its probably your body still’feeling’ the baby, and yes breastfeeding is like a workout, I had that with my daughter for a long time but of your worried.vall your dr!

  128. i just had a baby three months ago i had a c section but my vagina hurts is feels like something is out of place in there is this normal

    1. Please visit your Doctor as soon as possible Amanda. If anything at all feels ‘wrong’ – you need to get checked out right away. Good luck!

  129. i just had a baby three months ago i had a c section but my vagina hurts is feels like something is out of place in there is this normal

  130. I am 17 weeks post natal & my pelvis & lower back still hurt. It’s worse in the morning I have had physio for the last 9 weeks & although improved some mornings I wake up back to square 1 I have had to give up my scuba diving & canoeing & I’m worried about going back 2 work due to the nature of my job this is my third baby & it feels like she has destroyed me my labour was 45 mins from start to finish so fed up being In pain at the start I could hardly walk roll over in bed r stand it didn’t first manifest its self until 8 weeks after having her now I feel like I’m about 90 & all the things I love to do are out of reach 🙁

    1. Hi Vicky, I know if feels frustrating, but the only way you’re going to get back to the activities you love, is to reconnect, recover, restore + THEN get strong. That’s what our programs help you do. If you leap ahead of what your body can do, it will protest with pain + limitations… go easy on yourself 🙂

  131. I am 17 weeks post natal & my pelvis & lower back still hurt. It’s worse in the morning I have had physio for the last 9 weeks & although improved some mornings I wake up back to square 1 I have had to give up my scuba diving & canoeing & I’m worried about going back 2 work due to the nature of my job this is my third baby & it feels like she has destroyed me my labour was 45 mins from start to finish so fed up being In pain at the start I could hardly walk roll over in bed r stand it didn’t first manifest its self until 8 weeks after having her now I feel like I’m about 90 & all the things I love to do are out of reach 🙁

    1. Hi Vicky, I know if feels frustrating, but the only way you’re going to get back to the activities you love, is to reconnect, recover, restore + THEN get strong. That’s what our programs help you do. If you leap ahead of what your body can do, it will protest with pain + limitations… go easy on yourself 🙂

  132. Don’t want to worry you, but I always get my period six weeks after giving birth, even though I exclusively breastfeed. I’m pregnant with my fourth, so it’s happened three times so far. It is very possible you could be starting your period again. Sorry! I totally understand your fear. I’ve not enjoyed having to be careful while exclusively breastfeeding.

  133. Don’t want to worry you, but I always get my period six weeks after giving birth, even though I exclusively breastfeed. I’m pregnant with my fourth, so it’s happened three times so far. It is very possible you could be starting your period again. Sorry! I totally understand your fear. I’ve not enjoyed having to be careful while exclusively breastfeeding.

  134. Hi I am a week after I gave birth is it normal to hurt.when I walk or get up my insides hurt alot when I walk

  135. Hi I am a week after I gave birth is it normal to hurt.when I walk or get up my insides hurt alot when I walk

  136. Hi I am a week after I gave birth is it normal to hurt.when I walk or get up my insides hurt alot when I walk

  137. You need to visit your Doctor to answer your questions Honey, please go get checked out as soon as possible!

  138. I am about 18 wks past my 2nd c-section so obviously my stomach muscle are very weak. I had very severe haemorrhaging so my recovery has taken longer. However I am very keen to loose my baby weight as last time It took me about 3 years to loose it all!! I have walked a little everyday but never feel like that is enough so about 8 wks ago started Zumba and a step class, but making sure I took I easy. However I wonder whether in my bid to become a yummy mummy again I overdid it?! My scar line started to feel tender ( although it wasn’t by anyway painful). I do occasionally “leak” if I have left going to the toilet too long and unfortunately have a love for high carbed foods like pasta and especially bread. I just want to get my “mojo” back as you would say and start loving my body again, I know some people would say it’s still early days but I really feel I need to get my body back. What would be your suggestions for me?

    1. If you leak when you jump, dance or workout Honey, then your body isn’t quite ready… leaking is never ok – if your body can’t hold your body in… something needs addressing. I suggest our 12 week programme – for fat loss, fitness + the all important core + pelvic floor restoration x

  139. I am about 18 wks past my 2nd c-section so obviously my stomach muscle are very weak. I had very severe haemorrhaging so my recovery has taken longer. However I am very keen to loose my baby weight as last time It took me about 3 years to loose it all!! I have walked a little everyday but never feel like that is enough so about 8 wks ago started Zumba and a step class, but making sure I took I easy. However I wonder whether in my bid to become a yummy mummy again I overdid it?! My scar line started to feel tender ( although it wasn’t by anyway painful). I do occasionally “leak” if I have left going to the toilet too long and unfortunately have a love for high carbed foods like pasta and especially bread. I just want to get my “mojo” back as you would say and start loving my body again, I know some people would say it’s still early days but I really feel I need to get my body back. What would be your suggestions for me?

    1. If you leak when you jump, dance or workout Honey, then your body isn’t quite ready… leaking is never ok – if your body can’t hold your body in… something needs addressing. I suggest our 12 week programme – for fat loss, fitness + the all important core + pelvic floor restoration x

  140. I am 3 weeks post partum and when i put a gurdle on i feel like something is going to come out of my vagina normal or not?

    1. No. Not good. Not OK. You’re squeezing yourself like a tube of toothpaste Honey, + sending all the pressure straight down onto your pelvic floor. Stop wearing the girdle + adjust the pressure (that’s what MuTu Focus does) + please see a doctor to check for prolapse symptoms. Hope that helps.

  141. I am 3 weeks post partum and when i put a gurdle on i feel like something is going to come out of my vagina normal or not?

    1. No. Not good. Not OK. You’re squeezing yourself like a tube of toothpaste Honey, + sending all the pressure straight down onto your pelvic floor. Stop wearing the girdle + adjust the pressure (that’s what MuTu Focus does) + please see a doctor to check for prolapse symptoms. Hope that helps.

  142. I am 16 weeks past my 2nd c-section. I had diastasis and an umbilical hernia with my first. Didn’t know anything about correcting it other than surgery. I had surgery to correct the hernia when he was about 4 months old. Now I have diastasis again and also issues with twinges of back pain, pelvic floor weakness, etc. My belly looks about 3 months pregnant with a visible separation. What should I be doing? I mostly run for exercise, do a little weight lifting but have stopped doing anything that makes my abs bulge. Also timid to do any core work since that is what aggravated my hernia the first time. (It first popped out when doing planks) .I also wore a support garment at first (this time) but have stopped since it seemed to make my back pain worse – I guess I am lazier with my ab muscles when I am wearing it. What do you recommend?

  143. I am 16 weeks past my 2nd c-section. I had diastasis and an umbilical hernia with my first. Didn’t know anything about correcting it other than surgery. I had surgery to correct the hernia when he was about 4 months old. Now I have diastasis again and also issues with twinges of back pain, pelvic floor weakness, etc. My belly looks about 3 months pregnant with a visible separation. What should I be doing? I mostly run for exercise, do a little weight lifting but have stopped doing anything that makes my abs bulge. Also timid to do any core work since that is what aggravated my hernia the first time. (It first popped out when doing planks) .I also wore a support garment at first (this time) but have stopped since it seemed to make my back pain worse – I guess I am lazier with my ab muscles when I am wearing it. What do you recommend?

  144. I have a huge separation in my abdomen (three finger widths- big fingers!) I have been really struggling with my appearance as I weigh 125 pounds but my belly looks like I am at least six months pregnant. I have tried the exercises. We eat mainly raw foods and I do not drink soda, or anything else that would cause issues. My colon is extremely inflamed my midwife said and my doctor said the same, but no one has given me any advice regarding what to do about it. Any advice you could give me would be appreciated. I do the pelvic excercises, yoga, and run and zumba (about 10-15min each) everyday. Thank you.

  145. I have a huge separation in my abdomen (three finger widths- big fingers!) I have been really struggling with my appearance as I weigh 125 pounds but my belly looks like I am at least six months pregnant. I have tried the exercises. We eat mainly raw foods and I do not drink soda, or anything else that would cause issues. My colon is extremely inflamed my midwife said and my doctor said the same, but no one has given me any advice regarding what to do about it. Any advice you could give me would be appreciated. I do the pelvic excercises, yoga, and run and zumba (about 10-15min each) everyday. Thank you.

  146. Hi I just had a baby 4 days ago and when I go to urinate my bladder aches while and after I go. It seems to be getting worse over the last day.

  147. Hi I just had a baby 4 days ago and when I go to urinate my bladder aches while and after I go. It seems to be getting worse over the last day.

  148. Hi Wendy,  I’m 16 weeks post partum and have been doing the week 1 and week 2 exercises along with some running, walking and gardening for the last month or so.  From time to time, I still have a dull ache or a bruised feeling “down there” in my undercarriage area… (sort of feels like it’s in my pelvis) .which can last anywhere from an hour to a day.  I had an episiotomy and my son was facing upwards toward my belly at birth (instead of towards my spine).  I’m not sure if I should follow up with my doctor or if I’m just being a wimp.  Thoughts?

  149. Hi Wendy,  I’m 16 weeks post partum and have been doing the week 1 and week 2 exercises along with some running, walking and gardening for the last month or so.  From time to time, I still have a dull ache or a bruised feeling “down there” in my undercarriage area… (sort of feels like it’s in my pelvis) .which can last anywhere from an hour to a day.  I had an episiotomy and my son was facing upwards toward my belly at birth (instead of towards my spine).  I’m not sure if I should follow up with my doctor or if I’m just being a wimp.  Thoughts?    

    1. Hi there, Never ‘being a wimp’ & always, if you’re not sure about ANYTHING, check with your doctor. Do you feel any bulging from or within your pelvic floor? A ‘drawing down’ feeling? It maybe that you simply haven’t healed yet – our bodies need time.. I would suggest you stop running for the moment & stick to walking & low impact activity. Get checked out, but in the meantime, stop running – your pelvic floor is telling you its not ready. x

  150. Hi Wendy,  I’m 16 weeks post partum and have been doing the week 1 and week 2 exercises along with some running, walking and gardening for the last month or so.  From time to time, I still have a dull ache or a bruised feeling “down there” in my undercarriage area… (sort of feels like it’s in my pelvis) .which can last anywhere from an hour to a day.  I had an episiotomy and my son was facing upwards toward my belly at birth (instead of towards my spine).  I’m not sure if I should follow up with my doctor or if I’m just being a wimp.  Thoughts?    

    1. Hi there, Never ‘being a wimp’ & always, if you’re not sure about ANYTHING, check with your doctor. Do you feel any bulging from or within your pelvic floor? A ‘drawing down’ feeling? It maybe that you simply haven’t healed yet – our bodies need time.. I would suggest you stop running for the moment & stick to walking & low impact activity. Get checked out, but in the meantime, stop running – your pelvic floor is telling you its not ready. x

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