- 10 Things About Your Post-Baby Body [E-book Download]
- 10 Things About Your Post-Baby Body [E-book]
- 10 Things I Wish I'd Known During Pregnancy [E-book]
- 10 Things I Wish I’d Known During Pregnancy [E-book Download]
- 7 Things for Retaining Great Female Talent [E-book Download]
- 7 Things for Retaining Great Female Talent [E-book]
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Posts and Categories
- Don't tuck your tailbone to exercise (stick your butt out)
- Here's how to improve postpartum back pain through alignment
- Our Winter Guide to the best barefoot shoes and boots
- Pelvic Floor and Posture. What's the Connection?
- Summer guide to barefoot shoes - #WendyLoves
- What’s body alignment got to do with diastasis recti?
- Why walking is exercise - by MUTU pro Beth Mount
Back Pain
- Back Pain After C-Section: Is It Normal and How To Overcome?
- Diastasis Recti and Back Pain: How to Resolve it
- Extreme Lower Back Pain After Pregnancy? Here's What To Do
- Having long-term back pain after a c-section? Here's what you can do
- Here's how to improve postpartum back pain through alignment
- The 14 best postpartum back pain exercises: Regain comfort and relieve lower back pain after pregnancy
- 4 Postpartum Exercises for C-Section Recovery
- Ashley's story about c-section recovery
- Back Pain After C-Section: Is It Normal and How To Overcome?
- C-sections and Mental Health: 5 Tips for Mental Well-Being After Caesarean Birth
- Feeling shame, guilt or failure after birth? You're not alone.
- Having long-term back pain after a c-section? Here's what you can do
- Here's everything you need to know about c-section recovery
- How to Flatten and Heal a C-Section shelf: Advice for Mums
- Pelvic Floor After a C-Section or Vaginal Birth : Possible Effects
- Weight loss after a c-section: What’s normal and is there anything I can do?
Diastasis Recti
- 5 mummy tummy facts your doctor or gym instructor won't tell you
- Bloating, Gut Health, and Diastasis Recti
- Can you do pilates with diastasis recti? Or are you making the gap worse?
- Can you heal diastasis recti years later? Yes - here's how!
- Crunches, Curl-Ups And Diastasis Recti
- Diastasis Recti and Back Pain: How to Resolve it
- Diastasis Recti Infographic
- Diastasis Recti Recovery | Tatiana's Success Story
- Diastasis Recti Surgery
- Exercising with Diastasis Recti: Which Ab Exercises are Safe, Which Exercises to Avoid and Alternative Workouts for DR
- How Breastfeeding Positions and Postpartum Nutrition Can Help You Heal Diastasis Recti
- How diastasis recti breathing exercises and alignment techniques can help with healing
- How Long Does It Take to Heal Diastasis Recti? And What If You're Not Seeing Progress?
- How To Check For Diastasis Recti Symptoms : A Way To Self Test
- Nutritional advice for healing diastasis recti
- Post-Pregnancy Body Changes: Normal vs. Concerning
- Top 5 Best Diastasis Recti Exercises
- Understanding Diastasis Recti in Pregnancy
- Vanessa's recovery story about running with diastasis recti
- What’s body alignment got to do with diastasis recti?
- When is Diastasis Recti Considered Severe?
- Why Doesn’t MUTU Recommend a Binder for Diastasis Recti?
- Why You Should Stop Measuring Your Diastasis
- Why Your Tummy Still Looks Pregnant... When You're Not!
Mental Health
- C-sections and Mental Health: 5 Tips for Mental Well-Being After Caesarean Birth
- Everything you need to know about MUTU Mama Connect
- Feeling shame, guilt or failure after birth? You're not alone.
- How To Create A Social Feed That Feels Good
- Mommy Shame and the Lure of Toxic Positivity
- New Mom Chelsea Sodaro Wins IRONMAN Kona in Postpartum
- Postpartum recovery - I wish I knew
- Serena Williams Steps Away From the Court to Grow Her Family
- This is my birth story - Wendy Powell (MUTU Founder)
- Understanding the Impact of Pelvic Health on your Mental Health
- What is Postpartum Depression?
- 10 Years of Postpartum Fitness Trends
- A more sustainable system - MUTU Kit Box is now plastic free
- Everything you need to know about MUTU Mama Connect
- Exercise after pregnancy with MUTU System - answering your questions
- Feeling too fat to work out? You're welcome here
- Glamorous gifts - MUTU System featured in Vogue
- How to find the motivation to exercise postpartum
- I've helped 100,000 mums over 10 years: Recovery from giving birth with MUTU System
- It only takes 12 minutes - the pelvic floor challenge from MUTU
- More than 10 Years of MUTU
- MUTU Kickstart. The commitment-free sneak peek!
- Trial a MUTU membership free for 10 days!
- UK National Health Service evaluation of MUTU results are in! 🔥
Pelvic floor, bladder leaks and incontinence
- 6 reasons to STOP using period pads for bladder leaks
- 8 Ways to Handle Postpartum Incontinence
- Advice around urine leakage during workouts (that's more than just wearing pads)
- Everything you need to know about vaginal mesh surgery
- Hypertonic Pelvic Floor: Common Issues in Moms and How to Address Them
- Is Bladder Leakage Permanent After Childbirth?
- Is it Stress Incontinence or Urge Incontinence? Postpartum Bladder Leaks Explained
- It only takes 12 minutes - the pelvic floor challenge from MUTU
- MUTU vs Elvie or Perifit: Pros and Cons
- Pelvic Floor After a C-Section or Vaginal Birth : Possible Effects
- Pelvic Floor and Posture. What's the Connection?
- Post-Pregnancy Body Changes: Normal vs. Concerning
- Postpartum Incontinence: Your questions answered with a Urology Consultant
- Pregnancy's Effect on the Pelvic Floor: What to Expect and Tips For Healing Postpartum
- Sex after giving birth - everything you need to know
- The Effect of Perimenopause on Pelvic Floor Health
- The truth about Kegels after birth: What every new mom should know
- Top 7 Best Pelvic Floor Exercises To Do Postpartum
- Vaginal Botox for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
- Why Bladder Leaks Happen After Childbirth: A Nurse Explains
- Your Pelvic Floor After Childbirth: Everything You Need to Know
Post-Birth Recovery
- Ashley's story about c-section recovery
- Back Pain After C-Section: Is It Normal and How To Overcome?
- Diastasis Recti Recovery | Tatiana's Success Story
- Diastasis Recti Surgery
- Exercising with Diastasis Recti: Which Ab Exercises are Safe, Which Exercises to Avoid and Alternative Workouts for DR
- Feeling shame, guilt or failure after birth? You're not alone.
- Here's everything you need to know about c-section recovery
- How long does it take to recover after giving birth?
- How To Check For Diastasis Recti Symptoms : A Way To Self Test
- I've helped 100,000 mums over 10 years: Recovery from giving birth with MUTU System
- Mommy Shame and the Lure of Toxic Positivity
- My MUTU Journey | Ashley's Story
- New Mom Chelsea Sodaro Wins IRONMAN Kona in Postpartum
- New Moms Working Out: Benefits of Postpartum Exercise
- Post-Pregnancy Body Changes: Normal vs. Concerning
- Postpartum recovery - I wish I knew
- Pregnancy's Effect on the Pelvic Floor: What to Expect and Tips For Healing Postpartum
- Recovering after a hysterectomy everything you need to know
- See you later, postpartum self-care. We're doing relational care now.
- Sex after giving birth - everything you need to know
- This is my birth story - Wendy Powell (MUTU Founder)
- Trial a MUTU membership free for 10 days!
- UK National Health Service evaluation of MUTU results are in! 🔥
- Understanding a postnatal body check (from a pelvic health specialist)
- Understanding the Impact of Pelvic Health on your Mental Health
- What is Postpartum Depression?
- When can I start exercising after giving birth?
- Why Your Tummy Still Looks Pregnant... When You're Not!
Postpartum Exercise
- 10 Years of Postpartum Fitness Trends
- 4 Postpartum Exercises for C-Section Recovery
- 5 mummy tummy facts your doctor or gym instructor won't tell you
- 8 tips for getting motivated to exercise again
- Advice around urine leakage during workouts (that's more than just wearing pads)
- Can I lift light weights after giving birth?
- Crunches, Curl-Ups And Diastasis Recti
- Diastasis Recti Recovery | Tatiana's Success Story
- Don't tuck your tailbone to exercise (stick your butt out)
- Everything you need to know about running postpartum
- Exercise after pregnancy with MUTU System - answering your questions
- Finding the right postpartum exercise program for you (one you'll stick to)
- Get the party started - Pink does MUTU
- Here's how to engage your core properly
- How long until I can try a harder postpartum workout?
- Let's talk about planks postpartum - are they safe to do?
- MUTU Kickstart. The commitment-free sneak peek!
- New Mom Chelsea Sodaro Wins IRONMAN Kona in Postpartum
- New Moms Working Out: Benefits of Postpartum Exercise
- Pilates vs Yoga for Postpartum: Which is Best for You?
- Recover and reconnect - ab exercises designed for moms
- The 14 best postpartum back pain exercises: Regain comfort and relieve lower back pain after pregnancy
- Top 5 Best Diastasis Recti Exercises
- Trial a MUTU membership free for 10 days!
- UK National Health Service evaluation of MUTU results are in! 🔥
- Vanessa's recovery story about running with diastasis recti
- When can I lift weights, plank and run postpartum?
- When can I start exercising after giving birth?
- Why Wild Swimming Is The New Wellness Obsession
- Wondering how many weeks postpartum to wait before returning to heavy exercise?
- Don't suffer in silence - how to manage pelvic girdle pain
- Getting to know symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) in pregnancy
- Here's what to eat (and avoid) on a pregnancy diet
- Is an intensive prenatal workout safe to do?
- Our nutritional guide around what to eat during pregnancy
- Postpartum recovery - I wish I knew
- Pregnancy Weight Gain. How Much Is Too Much?
- See you later, postpartum self-care. We're doing relational care now.
- This is the Right Exercise for Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction
- Understanding Diastasis Recti in Pregnancy
- Watch Crista's story about prenatal exercise
- Watch: Nicole's story about working out during pregnancy
- What are the causes and risk factors of symphysis pubis dysfunction?
- What exercise is safe during pregnancy? Try these
- What you need to know before a pregnancy ab workout
Stories and Results
- A grand-mama's story about recovering postpartum
- Diastasis Recti Recovery | Tatiana's Success Story
- From pelvic symptoms to painful sex - real MUTU customer results
- Louise's story about postnatal fitness with diastasis recti
- Margarita's story about core strength and weight loss
- My MUTU Journey | Ashley's Story
- Niki's story about how she felt herself again with MUTU System
- Recovering after a hysterectomy everything you need to know
- So how long does MUTU System take to work?
- Vanessa's recovery story about running with diastasis recti
- Watch Crista's story about prenatal exercise
Weight Loss
- Bloating, Gut Health, and Diastasis Recti
- Margarita's story about core strength and weight loss
- New Moms Working Out: Benefits of Postpartum Exercise
- Nutritional advice for healing diastasis recti
- Postpartum diet for weight loss: Sustainable and Healthy Nutritional Advice for Mothers
- Postpartum Weight Loss 101: How To Lose Weight Healthily After A Baby
- Slimming After Birth: 6 Myths About Postpartum Weight Loss You Shouldn’t Believe
- Understanding the relationship between hormones and postpartum weight loss
- Weight loss after a c-section: What’s normal and is there anything I can do?